2004 School Magazine
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L_R : Rosj n Godfrey ICrOSS Country I, ''"' , , in, ,, t, ,sj, Kiri Flutter is ajiingj, Georg'' Th rd Row IL-Rj: Roslyn Godfrey IC"" '"' 'y" ,, ,Rh, ,hin, c Gymnasticsj, Kiri Flutter is" '' l' i R I j: ROSl ' ''y ,,,,,,,, c, ,eron IRhyrhmic Gymnasticsl, in Poloj, Elyse Chant INetballl. aness ouchj, LaUra Gemma Tiernan ITennlSl- T, ,, h , NICoje Cheales IHOCkeyl, M'" ' the Fine Flood second Row IL~Rl' '''' """" ' Athleticsj. Amy paler IRhylhmic GymnaStl"I. I
,ro, t Row IURj: LUCy Co'" I"""" ,sssAj, K, te Leitch lithieticsj. Emma Imrie IA I y Mrs P Harvey-Short, a Iha Gregg iswimmingj. Caroline Wart IFencingj ' G e iswimmingj. Caroline Wart IFencingj
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Leadership is an important element in e sporting programme within this School. Captains are nurtured, highly respected and their opinions sought. To establish a culture of physical activity, there is a need for real, accessible and credible role models who are talented and enthusiastic athletes. The Captains of Sport provide these elements Within the Health and Physical Education Core programme, all students are exposed to the process and criteria of captain selection. The chosen students are not necessarily t e best athletes in their sport, nor the most popular. They do, however demonstrate a wealth of leadership potential. The Schools expectation is significant, asking captains to establish goals, promote
an atmosphere where all athletes feel they are not only welcome, but also can achieve personal bests, socially Interact in a safe setting, and have fun. They are the conduit through which the sports coordinators and coaches convey information, intensity and School spirit. it is the captains who communicate the element of fun and Inspire the younger students These girls promote their sport to an audience of over I 000 people fortnightly when their sport is in season. They encourage and excite their athletes during the week and on weekends. They make each season unique in the process of creating a positive culture for their sport within the School, the captains develop a piethora of skills including goal setting, public speaking. reporting, public
relations and people management. They also intensify their commitment to their sport and the School, many choosing to return to coach. in 2004,75 coaches of the 147 in the Schools employ are past students. Of this group, 63% were captains of a sport. it is interesting to note that not all coaches were captains of the sport they return to coach This year 28 captains have led the School to 40 premiership pennants and five School Champion titles with Years 8, 9 and I O softball to followl The results indicate the commitment and enthusiasm these students have for their chosen sport and the School, and are to be congratulated
Mrs P Hayve -Shor+ Director of Hea th, Physical Education and Sport
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