2004 School Magazine


Woolcock House'The Culture





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Top: Cana. our mighty Captain Right: Emma. Year I I at the party Below: Year 9 Relay Team Far Right: Tegan. our Spirit Captain


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she has shown towards all Woolcockians We will indeed be extremely sad to see her go And finally huge thanks must go to all of the gins in Woolcock for their unfailing House spirit and support throughout the year Their enthusiasm has made 2004 a year of fun, laughter and success. Woolcock will always be known as a unique and friendly House and as we move on into 2005 we can be certain that that spirit will remain a constant example and will help Woolcock maintain its exceptional role in the life of the school

show our spirit and stamina Once again our paincipation was admirable and our placing was certainly not a reflection of the energy and vitality of the Woolcock Warriors whose running, throwing andjumping abilities

no less successful with our fabulous rendition of Timorhy goes to School. a play written by our very own Drama Captain Kathryn O'Halloran. She and Lauren Burrow. our

second Drama Captain. directed our fine actresses un a fun-filled and highly enjoyable made us all very proud Indeed performance, which lead us to a Silver award and some very pleasing comments from the the dedicated and highly energetic Mrs adjudicator A big thank you must be extended Balley would be Woolcock Head of House to the girls for their dedication and enthusiasm For an astounding nine years Mrs Balley has organised Woolcock and provided the girls during rehearsals and final presentation with a friendly and caring family in which The Cross Country Competition and to grow and learn. Our sincerest thanks are interhouse Athletics Competition caused extended towards her and our appreciation great excitement amongst the girls, both events provided Woolcock with a chance to is endless of the commitment and generosity Unfortunately 2004 is also the last year

Carta S, ,. 3rd o4.1 House Captain

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