2002 School Magazine

rich palmer

Eleanor Charlotte Palmer

26 September 1984 to 19 February 2002

Eleanor started at Brisbane Girls Grammar Schoolin January 1998 and became a member of Hirschfeld House. From the beginning she was known as Nell and is affectionate Iy remembered by this name. Born in Texas, USA, she enjoyed her childhood there. An enduring legacy of these early Years was a soft American accent and th's, together with her red hair. made her instantly recognisable. Her friendships at Grammar were strong and secure and she made a significant contribution to the life of her House Group, participating in activities and enjoying the fun. A very capable student, Nell developed particular interests in drama and music, playing the piano and the guitar. Her beautiful smile. her sense of humour, her perceptive mind and her individual outlook on lire - all these enabled her to question conventional wisdom with grace and charm. and gave her an elusive quality and an originality that promised an interesting and exciting future

Nell died after a tragic horse-riding accident

She will be greatly missed

foie Nel!

The Window

by Ne!I Pome" Mayhon Melovish, Georgio Block to' 8, 1998

Looking through the window out into the g ass many Years \ stayed there oracle from the past many colours gleaming shining out the truth Girls in long dresses stockings and hats straight unbearing posture discipline not lacked

moulded into the educated woman held together with corsets and string Looking through the window telling secrets from the past the window stands in all its glory treasure from the past

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