2002 School Magazine

studen perspectives head girls

the etter B, came "Building Bridges'! This was very appropriate to start the Year, as there were so many new bridges that had to be built. A new relationship had to be made with the arr'val of Mrs Bell. This, she made very easy for us through her efforts. She cemented the strong bond that now exists between herself and Grade 125. To maintain and enhance the strong sense of community already existing within the school, House Parties were held to introduce the Year 85 to the fun and numerous strange traditions of games, eating and acting that we have all come to love. The sense of cohes'on created within the House helped prepare all year groups for the Interhouse Swimming and Drama competitions which were held later in the term. The bridge built between Year 12 and Year 8 was further strengthened by a special lunch on the running track. Any gaps between the Year levels were closed by the end of that lunchtime As the school entered its second term, the 2002 Soccer World Cup was occurring in Japan and South Korea. There were similarities between the two. which tied in with the theme for Term Two of "Live and Learn'! Term One had been the term for finding Your feet in Your new environment and sizing up the obstacles and challenges that were to be faced in the coming Year. Building bridges overcame the first of these obstacles. The Term One equivalent in the World Cup was the First Round. where the various teams met each other, sized up the opposition and began their World Cup quest. In the second round, although a few big names were missing the 16 teams that remained built upon the foundations they had laid in the preliminary games and became more confident with where they were heading. As they lived their dreams. they learnt from their mistakes. At Grammar we followed a similar pattern constantly gathering more of an idea of where we were headed and how we could get there. We too, lived and learnt as we made our way along the path. Term Two also brought the Semi-formal and the Formal, which were both very successful events with the Year Eleven and Year Twelve girls making many

Head Girls' Report 2002: A Year that was always going to be different and one that has proven to be so. it has been a Year mixed with wonderful highs and a very sad low As the end of the Year approaches, the tragic loss of our friend and classmate Eleanor INell) Palmer, 12 Himchfeld, saddens us as we realise that she will not be graduating. but her spirit is close and our memories of her will be of the happy times we shared together Of great comfort to us at that time, were the actions of Mrs Bell, whose sensitivity and concern for all students, helped steer the school forward. She did make a difference and we thank her most sincerely. Mrs Bell was ably supported by the efforts of all the school staff and teachers for which we are so gratefu For 127 Years, our blue school uniform has seen countless students compete at various levels and achieve more than they could ever have dreamt of. Our blue has come to represent the Grammar spirit. Thus, our theme for the Year "BORN To BE BLUE" was initiated. So how did we go about stirring the Grammar spirit? it took the actions of all to create and maintain the strong and vibrant spirit that has always been part of this school. We became Involved in school activities. supported each other in the good and in the more difficult times and we demonstrated respect for the individual differences we all share A distinguishing feature of our school and one that is constantly encouraged 15 the strong sense of community. To achieve this, the Seniors of 2002, worked hard to create an atmosphere of caring and concern From the beginning of the Year, our hard working Student Executive, having thought of the theme "Born to be Blue". realized that the four letters from the word BLUE could be used to represent a sub-theme for each school term. In Term I, with


The Heod Girls discuss the School with prospective porents and students

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