2002 School Magazine

houses woolcock

even the Bananas in Pyjamas made a special appearance! The afternoon was a great success, with lots of laughter and plenty of pizza to go around. ensuring a fabulous start to the Year Woolcock's proudest Inter house achievement for the year would certainly have to be the success at the Swimming Carnival. Under the wonderful leadership of Sports Captains, Sarah Bennett and Adrienne Burrow, Woolcock House achieved astonishing results coming first in the combined relay and second overall This occasion was just one of the wonderful days In the Woolcock calendar and all House members displayed amazing enthusiasm and team spirit As always, the Woolcock House play was an event not to be missed. Under the directorship of Elizabeth Logan and Katharine Milne, the cast of beauty queens, cheerleaders and tap dancers in the play "Drop Dead Gorgeous" produced exceptional performances, making every rehearsal unforgettable With a fabulous backstage and lighting crew, the night of the performance ran as smoothly as a professional stage show and the results spoke for themselves - Woolcock was awarded Silver, which put our actresses and stagehands among the best in the School. The acclaim was well deserved, especially by Elizabeth and Katharine, whose tireless efforts created a show to remember In April, the Inter house Cross Country competition proved not only could Woolcock House act, but we could also run with the best of them! Our attendance was a record with nearly every girl there to support their House by sprinting or walking the course. Another event on the inter house scene for 2002 was Gymnastics, which made its reappearance after several Years The Woolcock team, captained by Kate Forgan-Smith and Laura Gay, performed with commendable spirit When a bout of illness affected many of the gymnasts, many other Woolcock girls eagerly stood in, enabling the team to compete

Lauren Burrow is to be coinmended o her fobulous rhythmic performance that earned her third place in the individual competition. Whilst the team didn't gain a place on the day, the Woolcock gymnasts performed outstandingly and made Woolcock House very proud The Inter house Athletics competition carried on this tradition of enthusiasm within the House. again with a record attendance. Decked out in their brightest Yellow best, the girls performed extremely well on the day. managing to gain second place in the relays. Overall, our sporting achievement this Year has been great and everyone has enjoyed the yellow atmosphere that our House has created Woolcock girls showed amazing chore skills in this Year's Choir Coinpetit'on Rachel Davis conducted a marvellous performance of "Heal the World" where the entire Woolcock community sang proudly in their Yellow t-shirts and filled the MCCrae Grassie Centre with a spirited and uplifting rendition. Our soloists are to be coinmended and Each House Group has their own special identity and this is what makes for the rich tapestry of our House - we have musicians, artists, sporting identities, dramatists, organisers and helpers. All of these people link together to make Woolcock House the best it can be. Mrs Bailey must be coinmended for her never-ending support, advice and guidance this year, which has provided Woolcock House once again with the strong platform upon which it stands. A special thank You must go to our fobulous House Group Teachers, Miss Charles-Edwards, Ms Thomas, Mr Devoy, Miss Partanen and Mrs Just, without whose help our enthusiasm and spirit would only be half of what it is now. And lastly, thank you to all the girls in Woolcock House for making this year the best we've ever had! thanked for their wonderful efforts

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House that would be their home for the next five Years During the afternoon of the House Party, the Year 125 ensured that no stone was left unturned in the quest for fun. There were games, food and balloons galore, with the Stage Lawn afloat in a sea of yellow streamers The bright-eyed Year 85 experienced their first ever House Party and the rest of Woolcock House showed their spirit by parading in their fontast'c party costumes, ranging from golden cowboys to bumblebees -

Ever since the beg rining of 2002, it has been evident that this Year's Woolcockians were born to be Yellow, vibrant and full of life, eager to embrace the Year ahead - with the determination of the Year 125 to paint the School gold The Year started with a wonderful orientation day where the Year 12 girls met their Year 8 buddies for the first time. After lots of planning for the special day, the Woolcock Seniors welcomed the newest members to our Yellow House with plenty of fun. games. food and a tour around the school grounds, all of which helped the girls get to know one another and feel more relaxed in a new

crowd. Despite the anxiety shown by most of the Year BS. it didn't take long for the girls to settle in and find their feet in the

Constonce Duneombe und Emma Cooldroke House Coptoin und Vice Coptoin


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