2002 School Magazine

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only did the afternoon see the usual array of fun and games, as well as pizza and cake, but this Year we decided that it would be a good time to incorporate a fundraiser as well. As the above scenario reflected, the Year 125 went shopping for maroon clothes, big and sina , and our glamorous 'models' strutted the clothes on the catwalk with the floor open to bidding. As a result, not only was the House Party heaps of fun for all O'Connor girls but we also were able to help those people in the community who are less fortunate than us by donating the raised money to the Brisbane Youth Service

reckoned with. The tireless efforts of

The annual Inter house Choral

our Drama Captains Miran Patterson and Edwina George CUIminated in the fantastic adaptation of 'Cosi', earning O'Connor a silver award As the Year progressed the Year 85 in pressed the School with their eighth placing in the inter house Competition, while the Year 115 have used their initiative in organising the School Day stall in preparation for their leadership roles in 2003. Susan Bird and Prudence Cranstoun successfully led O'Connor in the Interhouse Gymnastics Competition, where our elite squad performed to their potential, placing third. Kara Millman and Victoria Fleming are also to be coinmended on their consistent spirit and enthusiasm

Competition again proved to be a lot of fun with the beautiful rendition of Aretha Franklin's 'Respect! Choir captains, Erin Couper and Natalie Porchun must be credited with their huge efforts to make the usually war- cry screaming House sing in perfect unison. Erin also proudly represented O'Connor in the Senior Merle Weaver Public Speaking Competition. as did Kyra Bartley for the Junior Grades As the Year draws to a close and the Year 125 say their final farewell, the contribution and hard work of many must be recognised. 0'Connor really does thrive on its endless spirit and this could not be achieved without the The support of each House Group, their House Group Seniors and their House Group Teachers has made the job so much easier. The smiles on every girl's face and the abundant array of maroon does make all the Houses look as only octopi can. Mr Bowman, our Year 12 House Group Teacher. has nurtured us and helped us lead the House to the best of our ability and a huge thanks and endless appreciation must go to him. Mrs Kings has been part of O'Connor team for four Years and each year she has contributed amazing Iy to our warmth and vitality Her tireless efforts and ability to unite the House as one have been very much appreciated by everyone Finally, to the girls who have been there every morning of every day for the past five Years. Through classes, camps and House activities 12 0'Connor has formed a friendship that will hopeful y stay with each of us forever. This Year has been made very special for us all by the whole House, so thank You. To the O'Connor Seniors of 2002, all our happy times wi I be very much missed, but never forgotten. To the whole House, best of luck for 2003 and remember "we love you, hey hey!!!" and stare as we have strutted our stuff dedication of the whole House

This Year has brought O'Connor many hard-earned placings in the various


D'Connor is the best, it 1:5 number one, we win everything and have o11 the fun. ' This war cry. that has been Yelled and screamed by every maroon girl in 2002. tvpifies the wonderful Year that O'Connor has had. From the first day of the Year 85, all the way through to the Public Speaking Competition. O'Connor girls have given it their all, while hav rig COPIOUS amounts of fun and energy in the meantime At the start of the Year, as a group of Year 12 0'Connor girls fossicked through numerous 'op shops' in search of maroon shirts, shorts, scarves, beanies, socks and lingerie, we realised that this was the last Year we would be part of this great House: the sea of maroon around us allowed us to reflect on our time in the House, not only over the past Year, but over the past five years. it was a spirited and close-knit friendship group that promised that 2002 would be a v'brant and fun year for everyone. Year 12 began the Year by introducing the Year 85 to Girls Grammar and their buddies for 2002, with an enjoyable morning tea involving maroon balloons, bandanas and survival kits to get the new, ittie O'Connorian's maroon wardrobe

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Interhouse events. Inter house Swimming proved to be a great success with O'Connor coming third. Similarly big congratulations must be extended to Ceit Wilson IYear 81, Fiona Mackay ryear 91, and Samantha Gregg ryear 101, who were placed in their respective age groups. Next on the Inter house agenda was the seemingly endless hills in Victoria Park, where a large maroon mass dominated the Cross Country course. From the creative arts perspective, 0'Connor's Interhouse Drama performance was a force to be

as O'Connor's respective captain and vice-sports captains. Their leadership has assisted greatly in O'Connor's do innance in all the Inter house events, particularly at the Athletics Carnival where the mighty maroons were placed a very proud third. Special mention must go to the victorious 17 Years A and B division 4 x loom relay teams, with particular congratulations to Kara Millman, who ran brilliantly despite being ill and Georgina Porter IYear 81 who came a weI deserved third in her


Alitio Scornm ond Soloh Ferrett House Captain und Vibe Coptorh

This maroon force again came to the fore at the Interhouse Party, where not

age group

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