2002 School Magazine
houses mackay
overa I resu t. We finshed ninth on the day but were not deterred because al Mackay Angels knew that while swimming may not have been our strong point, lots of fun was had on the day and we had plenty more in store. Emma Poulsen, House Sports Captain, with the help of fori Royle, the House Spirit Coordinator, lifted the spirits of the girls with their fun war cries and claims that "who needs to swim when You have angel wings!" On the creative front, Mackay showed glittering talent in the inter house Drama. Naomi Lewis and Cherise DeVere, who were wonderful as this Year's Drama Captains. adapted their script from the film Grease and the final production was nothing short of side splitting. Mackay House has traditionally performed wei n Drama but this year's production surpassed al expectations. Kate Hogarth was very memorable as Danny Zucco and Leah Rickards played the part of Kenickie to perfection. Congratulations must go to the entire cast who performed so well on the night and provided many laughs for an appreciative audience The inter house Cross Country was held, as always, in Victoria Park at the beginning of Term Two but the gruelling course proved a cinch for Mackay's excellent runners. House participation was really high and everyone who did tackle the course must be thanked. While there were some great placings in the top fives. the depth of Mackay's ability can be seen un our overall position of fourth, the highest ever for Mackay House in the Cross Country At the end of Term Two, Mackay was able to showcase its talent once more In the Inter house Gymnastics competition. Mackay placed first overall in the Artistic Gymnastics section of the competition. Thanks must go to all artistic gymnasts but special congratulations should go to Alaria Hew in Year 12 whose performance on the night was virtually flawless. Mackay also showed considerable prowess in the Rhythmic Gymnastics where, while not placing at
Before the Year really got going it was necessary for the House to get acquainted, or reacquainted, after a long summer holiday. The House Party was the perfect way to do this and was a fantastic success. The afternoon was full of activities and food as well as the old favourite, the Mss Mackay Competition which viewers and participants alike enjoyed immensely The Year 125' interesting alternative to aerobics took the crown but the fun really started when the sprinklers unexpectedly turned on. This was a pleasant and hilarious relief from Brisbane's hot summer afternoon Next on the Mackay agenda for the Year was the Inter house Swimming. which was held at Chandler. Mackay House was a fine example of true spirit despite the slightly disappointing
the finish of the competition, we showed huge amounts of enthusiasm and dedication on the mat The year was almost half over before we even had a chance to catch our breath and the interhouse Athletics Carnival was looming over us But everyone In Mackay was ready to run, jump, throw and Yelland we placed a commendable seventh What was more important was the attendance level, which was at an all time high and all girls showed wonderful enthusiasm and dedication to the House on the day. When the day ended, everyone was exhausted from the sun, the war cries and the exciting atmosphere at Nudgee but we could all go home knowing that everyone had done their very best The Inter house Choir was the final, major Inter house event and Mackay's performance of One F1he Day was heartwarming. Choir Captains Yolanda for resan and Anna Rumbach put a great deal of effort into the piece and used their very musical backgrounds to create a complex arrangement which sounded fantastic and everyone had heaps of fun singing. Many thanks go to our very brave soloists, Kate Hogarth and Annika Hating, who sang beautifully on the day A very special thank You goes to Mrs Colwill and Mr Pincott who provided so much support to the Year 125 during the Year. Also to the Year 125 themselves who helped us out a lot this Year. Everyone in Mackay House deserves thanks for making the atmosphere in this Year's Mackay House really wonderful. Mackay has shown a depth of talent this Year and there is clearly more in store from Mackay's Angels. Good luck to next year's leaders and thank You everyone for a fabulous Year
Mackay House and its angels were a formidable force in 2002. rivalling all other Houses in their ability to sing, act, run, swim, pivot, cheer and most importantly have fun. Since Mackay House's reinstatement as a House in 1998, we have continued to form our own identity as an incredibly enthusiastic and high-spirited House and this year proved 00 exception
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