2002 School Magazine

h uses hirschfeld

We have another Year to put down in Hirschfeld's history 2002. And what a Year! Young and fresh new faces emerged in lateianuary. eager to see what Grammar was really about, and as Year 125, we were equally keen to welcome them, just as we were welcomed so warmly 'n 1998 We shared with them our motto on that first day: HDkuno Motto lit means no worriesI, holding high hopes that this would govern not only a difficult year for us. but also for our precious new Tiggers, along with the rest of Hirschfeld. Hirschfeld, being renowned for a spirited outlook on life. started the Year in our usual enthusiastic manner, with our spirit captain, "Tigger" Jessica Mitchell showing the way The Hirschfeld House Party, always a cause for muchjoy. festivity and orangeness, kicked off the Hirschfeldian calendar of events In February. with a superb show of colour across the board Somewhat puzzled by the bizarre behaviour of the older levels, the bewildered Year 85 quickly got the idea, blowing us all away with fantastic efforts in the jelly-eating competition The Year 95. however. were simply unbeatable in the Miss Hirschfeld Pageant. and walked away with the coveted sash and tiara

Our Young Tiggers continued to Impress us with their skill and finesse in the Year 81nterhouse Volleyball competition, almost wiping the other Houses off the court. Next, we took to the pool for Inter house Swimming at Chandler Aquatic Centre. and although a lot of people think t'gers don't like to swim, Hirschfeld rendered that thought mere myth and legend. Many an orange cap could be seen splashing down the pool, well ahead of the field Hirschfeld won the lifesaving race - the last event of the day which was a test of skill, speed and Initiative. proving that under pressure we keep our cool in the pool. Although we may not have won the day, we doubtless had the best fun Drama. a chance for Hirschfe!d to shine Our director, Claire Kelly had a big task in hand, putting together the performance of Switch On, Switch off arranging rehearsals and managing all this around increasingly mounting quantities of study. All this hard work certainly proved to be worthwhile in the end, as Himchfeld's performance was outstanding Next In store was the Inter house

was twice defending champion A vast array of orange streamers. feathers. even sunglasses and shoes. could be seen streaking ahead of the competition. Enthusiasm levels were high. possibly aided by the ice blocks awaiting us at the finishing line. and Hirschfeld placed second thanks to fantastic performers in all Year levels Term Two continued to be action packed, and following Cross Country the fitness of our Hirschfeldians was further tested, with the newly initiated Inter house ergo and beep-test competitions. Our powerful rowers, led by School Rowing Captain Tess O'Gorman, made us proud as always by setting a blistering pace, while Hirschfeld fitness icons Sarah Lind and Kate Robinson displayed commendable endurance levels in the beep test What better way to end such an intense term. than with the widely acclaimed Inter house Gymnastics competition? With unmatched grace and dignity, the tigers in tights took to the floor, and while I wasn't allowed to compete in the bars as I was deemed incompetent. An Ita Farmer, Cassandra and Madeline Farmer and Rebecca Lobb showed refined skill and elegance unlike anything I've seen before in the Artstic coinpetit'on. Clare Gill, Sarah Smith and Rosie Nalder also did great things in the Rhythmic The f'rst event on the calendar for Third Term was the long awaited Inter house Athletics, always an excuse for a fantastic show of colour as well as talent. Tigers took to the track, running. jumping and throwing with outstanding flair. Whi e competing in athletics, Hitschfeld was also warming up their voices with all their inght in preparation for Inter house Choir Hirschfeld, led by our musica Iy to ented captains, Meghan Achilles and Morgan SCOtney, performed Con You Feel The Love Tonight from The Libn Xihg. with a comical duo by Timone and Pumba, in keeping with our Year's theme Hokuno Matoto. A commendable performance with easily the greatest entertainment values out of all the Houses was the result of a lot of hard work by our choir captains and our enthusiastic performers

The Junior and Senior Merle Weaver Public Speaking competitions in Third Term were a great opportunity for Hirschfeld to display its bravest Tiggers Vanes58 Watson left us glowing with pride after her performance in the Junior competition, in which she spoke about No pain, No gain. I plucked up all my courage to represent Hirschfeld In the Senior competition, and really enjoyed the chance to entertain the grade with various anecdotes on the topic of people's different perceptions of humour The Year has come to a close now, and it 15 with pride that Twelve HISchfeld looks back on a great Year. While we are sad to be leaving what has become a family to us over the past five Years, we are glad to give a new group of girls the chance to experience the fun times and challenges of leading such a spirited and supportive group of Grammar girls. I'd like to thank Katie Anderson, An ita Farmer and Kate Robinson for the r fantastic leadership, and for making my job such a breeze I would also like to thank Mrs Stubbing ton for her unwavering support and encouragement of all of us during good times and bad, and the Hirschfeld House Group Teachers, Ms Bolton, Mrs Seckold, Miss Martel, Miss Simeoni and Mrs Vize. who were always there for us Also, to our dear and beloved Nell Palmer, whose passing in Term One left our close House Group with an unfillable void: we miss You greatly and wish that You could have been with us to share our final Year at Grammar. and many more

The f rst week of Second Term saw

the excitement of Inter house Cross Country. an event in which Hirschfe d

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