2002 School Magazine

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Their organisation was again essential and contributed to the overall success of the day. Spec'al congratulations go to Fences Bain who, for the fifth Year, was the Overall Age Champion as well as the Overall Interschool Athletics Champion Before we knew it, the Year was over. and we look back and reflect on our many achievements and accomplished goals. To the Seniors of 2002, You should be coinmended for Your involvement, support and service to England House over the past five Years Your efforts are apparent, especially this Year. Thank You for the memories we've made and good luck for the future. Go out there and be the best Eagle You can A huge thanks goes to Sophie Usasz, the House Vice Captain. for her continual support and efforts. Soph's contribution has been imperative to the success of this Year. Similarly, an enormous thank You must be extended to Ms Forster. Her tireless efforts and dedication each Year have ensured the positive and progressive achievement of England girls and the House as a whole Year 12 in particular would like to thank Ms Forster for her influence, guidance, support and encouragement over the past five years - it is very much appreciated. To all the House Group Teachers Ms Hall, Mrs Fengus. Mrs Ingrain, Mrs Cooke, Mrs Hadgraft and Miss MCAdam, thank You very much for Your contributions and assistance - it is essential to the successful functioning of the girls and the House. To the girls, Your talent, spirit and dedication provide a positive and confident indicator of the success of England House in Years to come Thank You for Your support and enthusiasm, we wouldn't have made it without You. To the Seniors of 2003. we wish You the best of luck and remind You to take the time to enjoy it I want to thank each of you for a fantastic Year and wish you all the best for the Years to come



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2002 has proved to be an amazing Iy successful and enjoyable Year for England, with exceptional achievements for individuals and for the House. Our talented Eagles have performed with strength. determination. spirit and sportsmanship, to make this a memorable and enjoyable Year England began the Year on a high note with the House Party. The afternoon was a great opportunity for the girls to get together. in their extravagant and creative outfits. Food, fun and games were aplenty. Including a feast of junk food and the Miss England competition This contest saw the energetic Year 115, with the help of a dancing and singing Mrs Hadgraft. snatch the t'tie from the Year 125 who had been victorious for the past two years with their Inventive "Robot Eagle'I The talent and enthusiasm displayed at the House Party proved that England wou d be a force to be reckoned with in the Year ahead The next event on the England House calendar was the Inter house Swimming Carnival. England spirit was in full flight by the day and our enthusiasm both in the water and in the grandstand was reflected on the scoreboard. Special congratulations must go to Sarah Holtam IYear 121 who for the fifth Year was the Overall Age Champion and the Interschool Swimming Champion, also to Nata re Dav es IYear 81 who won Age

Champion and to IOCelyn Knight for her brave efforts and tremendous House spirit. Our swimmers 'soared above the rest' and England House, for the first time in 25 Years, won the day as well as the prize for the cleanest House area The Inter house Drama production, directed by the Drama Captain Katie Gault, provided an opportunity for England to display its extensive artistic talent. The play "Looking for Ajibrandi", enabled members of the House from all age groups to be involved and served as an ideal way to promote close relationships across the Year levels Recognition must 90 to the performances of many individuals - a reflection of all the hard work that had gone towards the event The Inter house Choral Competition allowed England House Yet another opportunity in which to demonstrate its talent. The Choir Captains, 18cqueline Nicol and Cara Wright, chose a medley of "Oh Happy Days" and "Dancing in the Street" and despite very limited time to prepare. a commendable and creditsble performance resulted. England received a special mention by the visiting adjudicator. who praised our soloists, Jessica Rothnie and Marie- Claire Rothnie Eagles were out in force at the Interhouse Cross Country. which once again gave the House a chance to shine. England had a wonderful level

of participation, and an equally strong support squad to cheer the runners, joggers, walkers and skippers home. after the 2km event held in Victoria Park. Special mention must go to Cassandra Robinson and Monique Rowles who were second and third respectively Other events throughout the Year included the traditional England House Breakfast. the first ever Inter house Rowing Competition, the Inter house Gymnastics Competition and the Merle Weaver Public Speaking Competitions The Year 85 in particular were enthusiastic about the occasionally burnt, squashed or undercooked pancakes attempted by Year 12 Their positive and supportive feedback was much appreciated. Representing England, Rachael Holt ryear 101 presented an admirable speech for the Merle Weaver Public Speaking Competition, for which she was highly coinmended The inter house Athletics Carnival was the last major House competition for the Year, and the last ever for the Year 125. The England Eagles revealed their athletic abilities once again. as they ran, jumped and threw above the rest The day was a huge success, with amazing costumes, spirit. cheering and talent displayed by all. Thanks must go to the House Sports Captains, 58rah Holtam and Geordan Shannon for all their dedication. patence and effort at the Inter house events

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