2002 School Magazine
f iands
staff fom'Iy n
Fourth Row IL-Rl: Mrs C. Love. Mr G. Armstrong. Mr C. Thornpson. Mr B. Cheyne. Ms I Priest Third Row IL-in: Mrs L Doran, Mr R. Goodrich. Mrs I. King. Mr D. Clarke. Miss A. 51ddans, Mr K. Whyte. Ms J. Smith Second Row IL-Rj: Ms R Smith-Panazzo. Ms J. Antinstall. Mr B. Reilly. Ms G. Me Hang. Mr J. Webber, Mrs R. Leadle. Mrs C Marsh Front Row IL-Rj: Mrs I. Harris. Mrs S de fossanyi. Mr I. Pietzner. Mrs A. Bell, Mr D. Foreman. Mrs Z. Watson. Mrs C. Mulvey
men there was "Bud Hint Day' - o fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis Mr SuniVon ond Mrs Mumhy
The members of the Social und Environmental Studits foeu!ty in free dress
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