2002 School Magazine
-c r icula a tivities reading group and zenith
Reading Group The reading group is for enthusiasts who not only enjoy reading, but who also like to discuss what they are reading, give feedback on what they have read and talk abou the types of books they like to read. For example we have an avid reader of the fantasy and science fiction genres who enjoys captivating us with her vivid storytelling The group meets once a fortnight to find out what books are new to the library. Reading is for fun and students are able to select the books they would like to read Those who choose to write reviews do so. These are then displayed in the fiction area. The group feels that by displaying their reviews they are offering a serv'ce to othe users of the library. Their motto for the Year is "Open Your mind - open a book. " Five of the members who have been with the group for some time now will be graduating from BGGS at the end of the Year. It is with a fond farewell that I wish these students all the best for the future - Katharine Milne. Leanne Taylor, Elise Ranson, Kara Ronai, Rebecca Durrant If you would like to find out more about the reading group or to read the member's reviews. visit their new webpage through the following links Library - Pathways to information - Reading Group
Mrs D. Adorns
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The BGGS Zenith Club has had a successful year in 2002, with an encouraging Year 8 turnout and new members from all grades. Zenith is a small public speaking club, which encourages students to improve their speaking skills in a friendly and relaxed environment by offering a range of speaking roles, both prepared and impromptu During the First Semester, Zenith was redesigned to include drama, games and extra impromptu speaking in Term One while moving to a more formal, prepared pro ram in Term Two. We have had many interesting speaking top CS ranging from 'Should chocolate be given at Easter?' to '15 homework still an effect re educational practice?' The 2002 Executive, Anne Harrison ipresidentj and Leanne Taylor isecretaryj, would like to thank our coordinat'rig teacher Miss Gummer for her wonderful motivation and contributions throughout the Year. Zen'th's members are congratulated on their efforts. Next Year promises to be fun and successful. Good luck in 2003!
Anne Harrison President
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