2002 School Magazine
original works
This War Was Not Like any Other War "1'11 pick up Tara and Sarah, and then we'll go to the city. " Lucy said. 10 looked apprehensiveIy at her daughter's excited face LucY had been adamant; she would get her licence as soon as she was 17, and drive everywhere herself. However, 10 was still wary about her driving with friends, especially at night. Lucy was not irresponsible, but teenagers were known for their reckless driving. It would be much safer if she took the girls and picked them up afterwards. but Lucy would definitely object. Still, it was worth a try
"cocy, dear, I don't think You should be driving at night. You've on y "Mum! Don't start this again. Do You really think I'm going to have an accident?' "Well, it's more likely that You will than me. "
"You're not taking us! The whole idea of getting my licence was so I could drive myself. Don't You trust me?" "It's not a matter of trust. I know You'll be careful, but it's easy for You to misjudge the road. You haven't had much experience, " 10 explained
"I'd get more experience if you'd let me practise. You haven't given me a chance. " "Ijust think You should drive more during the day before You drive at night. " "1'11 drive whenever I want to. If I crash, so be it. It'd be less trouble for You anyway. "
Suruh joeng 9 Mockoy StillLife
"Don't You speak to me like that. If You have an accident, it'11 be Your responsibility, and 00 one will miss Your temper, " 10 shouted as Lucy grabbed her bag and stormed out of the house. Lucy had a ways been a stubborn child, and once again, she got what she wanted Perhaps she hadn't been strict enough, 10 thought. She absent-minded Iy turned on the television. It was an advertisement for road safety. The words. "Rest, or Rest in Peace" were superimposed over the mangled wrecks of smashed cars. to thought of Lucy. What if she did have an accident? What if the car ended up looking like one of those h the advertisement? Sudden y10 heard the siren of an ambulance nearby. Suppose it was rushing to Lucy's aid? She would never be able to forgive herself for not stopping her. to hurriedly turned the radio on, hoping to hear any information about the accident. Her ears pricked as the traffic update began "Stay off the Bruce Highway tonight, drivers. Delays are expected due to road works. " So far so good. "A semiteiler has broken down on Rode Road in MCDowall, so keep away from there too. " 10 began to relax. "And finally, there's been a two-car accident on Coronation Drive involving some Young drivers. Try Milton Road if You're heading to the city from that direction. " 10 was terrified for Lucy. She knew it could be anyone. but the radio was so clear - Young people were involved. It had to be Lucy The only way to convince herself that Lucy was safe would be to speak to her on her mobile. She nervously d'alled the number Ring ring. Everything would be find. Ring ring. Lucy was probably reaching over right now. Ring ring. Anytime soon Ring ring. Just busy concentrating on the road. Ring ring. Probably couldn't find it in her messy bag. Beep beep beep. It had rung out. Lucy hadn't answered the call. Fear flooded Jo's body. The acrid smell of burnt rubber, and images of Lucy's body amongst crushed metal, clouded by smoke, filled her thoughts. Riiing. The phone sliced through the silence. Thank goodness, thought 10, thinking it was Lucy returning her call "Lucy!" "Urn, no, this is Sarah. I was wondering where Lucy was. She said she'd pick me up about twenty minutes ago. I tried her mobile as well, but she didn't pick up. " Jo froze w'th shock. Not only had Lucy failed to answer her phone twice, she was also late to pick up Sarah, when she was always on time "Sarah, I'm not sure where Lucy is, " 10 shakily replied, "but I will let You know as soon as I do. " 10 knew it was all her fault. She hadn't been firm enough, and it had cost Lucy her life. Her last words had been sharp and insulting and now, 00 words could be exchanged. Tears began to flow down her face. Ding dong. Someone was at the door Someone had come to tell her about Lucy. Jo slowly went to the door and opened it a crack "Mum, I'm still angry at you, but I came home because I forgot some stuff. " "Lucy! Thank goodness You're alive! I've been so worried about You!" 10 cried, as she hugged her bewildered daughter "Why? There was an accident at the beginning of Coronation Drive, so I wanted to ring Tania and Sarah and let them know I'd be late, when I noticed that I'd left my mobile at home. So I came back, but because of all the traffic, it took me so long That's when I a so realised that I didn't have my house key ether, since I left in such a hurry. So, what were You so worried about? Angelo Sheu 11 Mockoy
Sumh I:Errett 12 0'Connor Visions of Self joetor"
nono Burker 10 Engiond Self fortroit
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