2001 School Magazine
mathematics : ^ 7
Quiz Kids
Seniors Light Up To Graphics Calculators in Term Two, Year 12 Maths B student completed an assignment using an extension of their graphics calculator The students used a light-sensing probe to collect data from a number of light bulbs of different strengths They were then able to select appropriate functions to model the data using their graphics calculators The Mathematics Faculty hope to increase the use of this new technology as an integral part of the senior school programme. Other sensors include motion. temperature and pressure
Maths Challenge Achievers Thirty-five students participated in the Maths Challenge for Young Australians this year and they are coinmended for their efforts and perseverance in attempting the problems It is not only a matter of completely solving the problems, but also a matter of participating to the best of one's ability As a result, learning 15 the most important result of the process. A100ke Kahawita In the Junior Division received a High Distinciton placing, while Crystal Poon and Natalie Davidson received Distinctions. In the intermediate Division Angela Sheu and Shiromi Wimalaguna received High Distinctions, while Shyalle Kahawita and Kristy Scandrett received Distinctions
On Thursday 2 August. three Year 8 students, Shona Wills, Hilary Martin and ATooke Kahawita, represented Brisbane Girls Grammar School in the
Quiz Kids 2001 Mathematics Competition, held at Brisbane
Grammar School The competition consisted of fiveindividual and team rounds, which included problem solving, estimation and mental calculation. Though the girls were nervous they managed to secure third place, behind Brisbane Grammar School and Anglican Church Grammar School. The girls appreciate the training and preparation provided by Mrs Boltman, who also accompanied them on the day The competition was a valuable experience for the girls
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