2001 School Magazine

7 ^ : original works

The Cry of an Old Man Do you regret being my daughter? Or, 15 it for fear of losing me that you shy away when my eyes meet yo These are the questions I ask myself For I amiust an old man, with nowhere to run

The Truth about Hard Work Girl foregoes movie, Watches sisters swim in sweet pool, Sits cross-legged on the parched floor in the peoples' party away from the fun, Watches the dial change to midnight On the Suncorp build'rig each right, Worries during the day Dogs slowly become more bored As they wait for the never-arriving walk, A PIethora of paper is printed off A few trees in a developing country Added to the pile on the friendly truck Friends all so confident Guilty about extra weekend to work in Standing in front of dreaded camera So happy

Why are my words no longer mine? Foc I can speak, but I have lost my voice These are the questions I ask myself

The thoughts I ponder but can't speak about, For I amiust an old man. with nowhere to run

The clock on the wall ticks over The cakes in the oven slowly burn

But, oh no, these are not thoughts of my own, For, to you, I am but an old man, with nowhere t

My body slowly disintegrates, My mind 15 no longer my own,

for onceldidn'tstumble

And all for what? A B?

But still you whisper and pretend I'm not there, For I amiust a frail, old man, with nowhere to ru But I'm silently crying to be freed, Freed from the body that entraps me Yes, me, an old man, with nowhere to run

And what does B stand for anyway? Bumbling fool Bloodyidiot Bad luck mate

Louise Cottone 12 Grimth

Remnants of my past lie dormantly, dustridden on the shelves You say only young ones are bn the way home: But will you notice when I am gone?

Koie OGmdy 10 0'Conno,

When the old man, with nowhere to run, 15 gone

Georgino Horsburgh 8 0Conno,

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Holly Millmon 10 Engiond

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