2001 School Magazine
7 . : original works
Immortal! Invisible!
Who has left and disappeared with barely a trace, Leaving behind only memories and thoughts, And taking tears they will never see Yet another person to live in memory, But never knowing, never guessing if we live on in theirs as much as they haunt ours If they reinembe, it is fond, it 15 fun, Or 15 it just another memory, forgotten, downtrodden, Unmissed? The truth will remain hidden, Though we may meet in years time, Save for a memory of a smile or a hint of a voice, We might never know how close we passed In a neverending dance of time, Like swirls of paint across a canvas Directed by unseeing eyes, Paths cross and change and skip and play And all the while our hearts remember days gone by And haunt us with dreams of those who passed Though he may be gone, he will be remembered; Replacing him will not be easy, but time will heal And only then can trust begin to bloom When the scar of rejection has closed and lies, Forgotten, Then will our new teacher be accepted Only when his memory is all that remains And his eyes are a fading reminder Of the joys of music, of the passion that stirred As he taught us to play with feeling, emotion And his legacy lives on through his disappearance, Then truly, will he be immortal! invisible!
A Saturday like any othe, And a laugh carefree In the still, man-made air Yet again it was time
For notes and songs of a choir rare To float and waver on the breeze Of an air-conditioned room Silent and still, like a ghost, Ever living, ever dead, He sat in the chair that someone else, Anyone else, should have taken The podium was crowded by an orhe, Tall and not so interesting As he who had gone before, But yet there was a sense of excitement And of self-ridicule Loudly, cheerfully he led us, Unaware of the anxiety, the sadness, The utter feeling of rejection, betrayal That played in our hearts As our music played in the sinister room Looking up from the music, Ears filled with glorious albeit scrambled tune, He was gone Only the spectre on the podium, Only the replacement soul of music remained He brought with him to our lives The love of music. the depth of the soul And expected nothing in return And took nothing Yet what he left with was all our respect, All of our feeling for music, And in a certain, curious way, A portion of our love for the music we had shared
EmilyLuxton 10 England
Leanne Taylor I I Beanlond
Yet another person, met fleeting Iy, As a shadow held in moonlight Or a wave suspended on the ocean
From left to right
Panoy!o10 Tonos 108eon!ond
Elizobeth Hornson 10 Beoniond
Sophia Warden I O Grimth
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