2001 School Magazine

5 s : original works

Flame maiden

I sit by my empty window, engulfed by darkn Striking a match, I light the candle, Wondering, cou d a flame havelife? My eyes reach into its black heart, Black, like a troubled soul, and it speaks Vain the daughter o10 match, separated since Islandhere, loneliness my onlycompon!bn, Dreaming of golden bushfires who roar wild Burning theirpoweri'nto human souls But 1stand trapped on the wick of candle Fordnypossin9 breeze to extinguish, obi^tente, retilearnotdeoth, Ihove nothing But revenge on my copto, meltihg hit wax" Then, a breeze through the empty window, Darkness

Iemimo Cowderoy 8 England

Sally Greenlond 12 Engiond

Solly Green!ond 12 Engiond

Beauty Like a beautiful white swan

With its head held high Like a colourful butterfly For the first to fly Like a black stallion moving at top speed Like a lake reflecting mountains with snow upon their pea Like a lady descending stairs wearing diamonds And a pure white dress

Tenna"eJonsen 9,111ey Marino nutsumi 9 Grimth

She was running for her life, gasping for air, trying to escape the enclosing flames of the fire that was scorching her once beautifully tanned skin. The flames reached out to her, and it seemed that there was no way out of the inferno that was destroying her house where she had lived for most of her life. Her thick, curly, red half was singed from the heat, her emerald eyes were stinging, blinding her. if only she hadn't touched those matches. Her mum had warned her earlier that morning

Aire FFew 10 Engiond Classroom Writing

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