2001 School Magazine
original works : ^ :B
March of the Anzacs
Golden Flames
Slowly they march in their moth-eaten coats Remembering the terrible landing of the bo Their old grim faces trying hard to forget The friends they lost, their one regret; The cold winter nights in a land far away, The distance they ran along earth and bay; To them we owe our greatest debt Let us always remember, 'Lest We Forget
A healthy silence, The mountain peaceful Birds call, awayin the valleys Animals run through juscious fields A candle, silent, still Without light, someone strikes a match in a cold, darkened room Tourists on the mountain Sitting 'round a burning campfire Sending up smoke spirals Fizz! The candle is lit, Soft, fuzzy glow From the tiny flame The mountain, sin oke grows dense Rolling in, like water in seas Flames leap and spit Candle wax drips Running down surface Frozen in suspended animation Fire tearing up the hill Animals gone, peace interrupted Burning. choking smoke Billowing black and he ary Fire crackling. like the sound of guns Silence within waves of smothering heat Washing over the land The candle, gone with wind Destruction of a bush fire Remains for years
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Lord Ulosowski I O Gibson
Light's Unicorn white_unicorn dances, Prancing in the sky, Dripping with sunlight, Gleaming rose gold A herd of black horses, A threatening grey mist. Approaches the light, With one dark Intention The galloping shadow, Grasps for its victim, Suffocating the innocent, Clouding our vision But do not fear darkness, For light will always letur Just wait until dawning, For the unicorn to dance
Monique Rowle 8 England200;
loonno Luke 9 Gibson
Allce W"ce 10 Hitschfie!d
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