2001 School Magazine
Special thanks must also go to our corporate sponsors. and the Music Support Group. who did so many things to make the day a wonderful success Gala 2001 brought together over five hundred performers from the Grammar community and generated a genuine atmosphere o1 co-operation andjoy that ..,., 111 al. ."., ays be remembered by those who attended
The centrepiece of the afternoon vias the stunning performance of excerpts from Corniino Burnno by the 150-voice Grammar Community Choir and the Symphony Orchestra This ,/1.5 a remarkable achievement by all involved The 100 Years of Federation vias marked by the I1011elu/o11 Chorus and a specially commissioned medley of songs representing our national identity The whole day was a great credit to the School, the brilliant Music Staff the stage crew. and of course. the very talented students vrho gave their very best to make the day such Special thanks go to Mrs Hancock, who was recognized on the dayior lier contribution 10 Grammar over her twenty-five years as Principal The music community at Grammar will greatly miss her strong support over the years anti forever will reineml, er her genuine love for MLisic and the encouragement she has always given for 111e development of an excellent Music prograni with 111 lite School an aviesome occasion
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