2001 School Magazine

, s : big project

The BGGS girls have epitomized the theme for 2001, Reach for the Stars, with the help of the 819 Project. After the great success of this organization in 2000, the current Year 125 were eager to continue the support for the Royal Children's Hospital. Bringing a smile to many little faces was an easy task for the BGGS girls, while providing a world of fun and escape Reflecting on the past months, the BGGS community has certainly extended their reach by touching the lives of so many children. The Big Project has raised funds for a fantastic hospital and, at the same time, has encouraged the whole school community to make a positive impact. While BGGS has been able to offer funds to the hospital for essential devices and pieces of to sick kids in the brand new in-house entertainment service of the hospital

equipment, the girls have also offered valuable and priceless time and attention to the kids Kylie Andrews, community fundraising manager at the RCH, continually supported the ideas of the BGGS girls with helpful guidance and assistance. This ensured maximum achievement within the whole community. Each term, Sarah along with the School Executive organised fundraisers, which coincided with other themes For example. "Formal Fever" was the theme for Term Three which coincided with the Year I I Semiformal and Year 12 Formal at the end of June The Big Prqect kick-started the year with a collection of Easter eggs and treats which were taken to the kids by BGGS girls. Colourful eggs, toys and furry animals filled numerous baskets, which merely showed the

enthusiasm and support of the BGGS community. Bringing laughter and cheer to many kids at Easter was an exciting reward for many girls To raise funds, a range of events were held throughout the year, Including Formal Fever, the 'Search for a Star' Talent Quest, selling of ribbons at Expo, aYear12 Movie Night plus various sausage sizzles and 10/11es stalls at lunchtimes organized by different House Groups. From the funds raised so far, we have purchased Kangaroo Pumps, which are to be used for little patients who cannot take food orally. The Kangaroo Pump Backpack pumps liquid food continuously into a patient's stomach. Further funds raised have been donated to the hospital to be used at their own discretion

The Big Project has added touches of enthusiasm, fun and excitement throughout the whole BGGS community, while benefiting the children, parents and staff of the Royal Children's Hospital. We wish the best of luck to future year groups and hope they enjoy this challenge

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