2001 School Magazine
^.. :farewellto Mrs Margot Lynch
After many years of service as resident psychologist, Mrs Mangot Lynch left the School at the end of first term to concentrate on her private practice as a psychotherapist on Wickham Terrace. Her decision that this was the right time to move on, was not made lightly or easily and having been friend, confidante and counsellor to generatbhrof^tridents, parents and staff her presence will be sorely missed Shaw in 1976. At that time, her position was unique in schools in that her qualifications as a registered psychologist, gave her both a broader and a more specialized role and function than that exercised by most school counsellors and guidance officers. Her appointment also coincided with the Implementation of internal assessment procedures at both junior and senior levels and a sharply growing demand for Mrs Lynch was appointed to the staff by the then Headmistress, Miss Nancy professional advice and counselling for students on subject selection, tertiary courses and career options Margot Lynch soon became a focus of school life in a way which far exceeded her formal role. As a person who inspired confidence in students, parents and staff she became involved in vital decision making at all levels. She knew how and when to listen and when to speak and when she spoke, her advice and observations were always apt, thoughtful and well considered She taught people how to think about themselves and the situations in which they were involved She worked with girls and their families and staff in a professional, developmental way and often over long periods, to produce lasting results, not buick fixes. "Whether it wasjust a friendly chat, a small passing Issue or a deep, intractable problem, she always brought the same attention, concern, personal warmth and good humour to bear She was consistently approachable, available and supportive to all who
Mrs Lynch with Rev Akin Dole
was appointed Assistant Principal (CounsellingI in 1993. Concurrently, she continued her own professional development, expanding her expertise into the field of psychotherapy through the Brisbane Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies and the Tavistock institute in London. The school benefited enormously through her application of the latest and best professional practice as well as the insights she was able to share with staff. Her ongoing contact and interaction with both locally and internationally renowned
professionals in the field has added to her acceptance as a highly-regarded plaaitionerin adolescent psychology All members of the School community are sorry to see such a wise, kind and supportive friend leave At the same time, we wish her all the very best in this new phase of her personal and professional life and look forward to continuing our associations with her in the future
needed her attention, from the most senior member of staff to the youngest student Throughout the years, Mrs Lynch's role evolved as increasingly pivotal to the development of the pastoral care system in the School, especially through the House system and the Increasingly strategic work of the Heads of House, to whom she became an invaluable mentor both on a group and individual basis in recognition of this major responsibility and her effectiveness as a professional leader, Mrs Lynch
The heod girls forewel! Mrs Lynch
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