2001 School Magazine

, 4^ : boarders

A story has to startsomewhere

For over a thousand nights, I have slept in the Boarding House at Grammar. For nearly five years I have lived right under the wing of the School. It almost seems like a fairytale that soon I will wake up under a different roof A story is about to come to a close. But, of course, all stories have to begin somewhere My time as a Boarder began seemingly eons ago, but during that time I have come to recognize the many threads that weave the pattern of the story together. Strong threads the events and people that changed us, drew us together; shiny threads in beautiful colours:the friendships and laughter that have become part of us Coarse threads, dark threads:the times that threatened our happiness, our threads, and the tapestry of the story Constantly changing from the time it was first told, its threads remain unbroken still, in along and varied tale This year has marked a new chapter in the story, a new conformation of the threads. One of the premises of the story has always been change. and 2001 has been no exception We all noticed the brilliant new colours of the Boarding House when we returned at the start of the yea" and have recently celebrated the addition of a plush new carpet to the bottom floor of the House Brand new placemats have, of course, improved the quality of our dining experience. Our surrounds changed even more noticeably when day girls joined us for breakfast and passed through on their way to Drama classes. We were always slightly puzzled at those who declared "I'm going to become a boarder just for the food!"as they strolled past to tuckshop and loving Iy hand-packed lunches

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