2001 School Magazine

, 38 :woolcock

Eager Woolcockians were seeing stars in their eyes before the year had begun. it was December 2000, and enthusiastic soon-to-be-Year 125 could think of nothing better than our House being named The Home of chesto15'to coincide with the 2001 motto, Reach for the Stars: Our first task of the year was to ensure that our new Year 85 were showered with enough games, food and gifts on their first day to keep smiles on their faces for the rest of the year. After buddying up with the Year 125, our new stars were treated to a treasure hunt that ended at the rock wall covered in 24 yellow cowboy hats overflowing with 10/11es The friendliness and enthusiasm of the Year 85 continued throughout the year along with the rest of the House who were shining like stars as they displayed vitality and energy in all of the wonderful and wacky Woolcock experiences. The House Party in February proved exactly what our House was made of. The Year 125 remember by covering the stage lawn with yellow stars and in ak'rig sure the food was only the best and of maximum proportions. Woolcock House went way out with their bright and crazy yellow costumes turning the School Into a grand yellow dominated fashion parade. The MISS Woolcock competition was a blast proving how Imaginative Woolcock girls can be with Jules Tate from Year I O being crowned Miss Woolcock for 2001. We cannot forget the blindfolded custard eating game that ended with some very custardy contestants to say the least! Woolcock girls like nothing more than getting up on stage and showing off their many talents which is exactly what they did in the Inter house Drama competition. The talented young artresses, directors, and stage crew who belong to this bubbly yellow House were displayed in Little Red Ridihg Hood and the Three Little A9s starring Liz Logan and Connie Duncombe. Under the exceptional set out to make the occasion one to

lanes with tutus and cowboy hats, thanks to our admirable Sports Captains March Jenkins and Sam Bonning. The spirit shown by Woolcockians at the athletics was amazing and so were some of the Woolcock athletes, namelyTamazyn Kettleton, 510bhan A1and and Nikki Bennet. We even impressed Mrs Hancock with our together ness as we marched onto the parade ground in two straight lines before the award giving ceremony The year 2001 for Woolcock has been amazing. With well-organised events, never-ending enthusiasm, friendship, food (very important) and massive amounts of House spirit we had the perfect combination for an enjoyable, fun-filled year. it is each and every Woolcock girl in her own unique way who has contributed to this success and I extend my sincere thanks to every one of you Much-deserved thanks must also go to Mrs Bailey, our Head of House, whose organization kept us on top of everything and whose caring nature has been there for everybody through thick and thin Thank you to Mrs Cowen who willingly took Mrs Bailey's place in third term as Acting Head of House, and who supported us in all of our endeavours as the very yellow House Finally we couldn't have done it without Miss Dufty, MsThomas, Mr Devoy. Mrs Seckold and Mrs Just, our dedicated House Group Teachers I sincerely hope that Woolcock, our Home of the Stars: continues to be the successful and fun-filled House that it has been for me in the past five years


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direction of Drama Captains Katie byons and Sally Mather, the play was a huge success and enjoyed by all those who performed in the play Our Woolcock mascot may be a Ithe yellow bird, but with some stars in his eyes, he sure knows how to swim On 2 March, Woolcock girls willingly donned their to 95 to dive into lane rine of the Chandler sw'mining pool t was Indeed an event to be remembered with exceptional swims from Emily Berkelmans and Emma Thornpson. House spirit was displayed at its best with our House standing out as one of the most colourful and vibrant of them all Our Cheersquad Captains Meredith Goldon and A1i Channel came up with the initiative of a "crazy yellow ouchts"dress up box which proved very useful on the day The spirit of the swimming was fol owed through in the Inter house Cross Country where we are proud to say we came second. I wonder whether it was the ice blocks that Mrs Bailey and Mrs Just had waiting for the runners at the finish line that

made our girls run so fast, or if it was just talent? Notable runners included Lisa Flint, the three-legged team of Year 85 and Tracy Kefford, who completed the course on crutches What does that have to say about enthusiasm!!! There ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valleylow enough, ain't no r'ver wide enough to keep Woolcock girls from continually shining like stars throughout the year. Third term meant the inter house Choir Competition was looming and with an excellent song choice thanks to our Captains, Sarah MCLennan and Lucie Warren, it was inevitable that this year's Inter house Choir would be one to remember. At morning rehearsals, Woolcock girls decided to determine just exactly how much noise one House can make. With dancers, soloists, and all, we braved the stage first on the day and sang our best to receive a Highly Coinmended Not long after our singing challenge came the inter house Athletics Competition. An enjoyable day for all, Woolcock once again dominated the

Good luck to Woolcock in the future

MIChel!e Brody House Coprain

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