2001 School Magazine
, . : service
Focus ON SERVICE: a better vision for all
TA^ S, "vine I"4:1"am g, f ,ff to 4 dynem, o start {A's year with am ,"-}poise conference Focus on Service, a better r's, on f0" 411. The key, ofe speaker was mark Loame, am em, "gint o41.41, ,o109, st of" g, ,25 some of A's t, Me to a" eye-care program for 460r, g, Mis " North Greensl&"of, ulp spoke with care 41"( compass, on, aru( of A's o0nuwf, ,, e"t to help, 43 people less forth/^ate. Oar secori, ( 901e5t ,uus old~g, F1 Holly SmutA, MD shared Mew", 25 of her Year Ten Service exper, erue dad 1,455eC( on some valuable advice Tm5,91^f ,"to Amnesty Internet, onel was 97e" by c",^" H^,(gruff, mm 6 ,", o17ect with f}i's ,NIO"fart work aru( Co-orct, flates the 45500, &fed group Ant", with, "
the sotool. Poor year Ele, gin stoicte"t5, Gene, ,eye Bottler, 5, She}4ra Nle, 16(, s, 1<47, fa Paw aru( SayaA Haruoo!, developed aru( presented 4 ser, 25 of of runt 5!,', fs to A, gAl, ght the Pro, Cb".*s, Real, tv ard Reflectors from the, I dry" expel, e"o2 in Year 10. The fact that fA, s 6 the linterriat@/141 Ye4r of the Volunteer 444ed a 5/@Cad 59n, for roe to the Mess&9es flitt we hedy'o1 Farther ,"/"vat, ore ,, ere wide " the program ,tself dad 4 mew placement was wide arch14ble to g, F15 for the first {, Me. Red H, 11 5/@cad 5,1001 by45 offered 45 a o110, o2, dad there WAS re shirt&ge of 00/01"fears. Stb{dents 4t Red H, 11 have vary, !g I'Sab, I, t, 25 dad r4r!ae ," 492 from pre~5,1001 to 4401esoerce. N\&"g dye in Miee10}14,154ri0( 50Ne are 64Nble to o0, w, urn, Gate verbally, Julyevei, fA, s Merely presented a o141/2":Ie that opened Mr a Mole mew expe", ginoe to the g, r15
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