2001 School Magazine

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2001 has proved to be another successful and enjoyable year for O'Connor House Storming the School with our array of exceptional talent, the mighty maroons have made their presence felt at every House event, performing with spirit, sportsmanship, grace and above all enthusiasm On 29 January O'Connor welcomed our energetic new Year 85, with the caring Year 12 buddies ensuring that the first day was exciting and fun- filled. This set the tone for our famous House Party, which once again exceeded everyone's expectations and proved to be a highlight of the year. Lives were put in the balance, hair was sacrificed and stomachs were stuffed to the limit, in what has been referred to as, 'the best House Party in Grammar history: The House was now ready for the challenges and excitement ahead We didn't have to wait long, as a few

weeks later Chandler proved the perfect venue to strut our stuff We performed exceptionally well in the interhouse Swimming, winning the Relay Cup and placing third overall The next success for the mighty maroons came with the Inter house Drama Competition. We were fortunate enough to feature in the final showcase, performing an exciting and challenging play, A1^ the Shades of Red; written and directed by our talented Drama Captains, Sally Came and Joanna Turner Congratulations to Mijan Patterson who shone as the lead and stole the show The choir competition was the House's next challenge. Under the guidance of Chloe Bradley and Natalie Cronstoun, we belted out a unique rendition of 'Waiting on the Line: The whole House literally blew the crowd away in a performance we can all hope will never be repeated

Preparation for Athletics began early, as it has never been one of O'Connor's strongest events After dedicated training sessions and trips to the gym, we were buffed, oiled and ready to burn up the track Nudgee College provided the venue, while O'Connor provided the talent Decked out in our finest maroon attire, we blitzed the field and obliterated anyone who stood in the way to victory. 0'Connor stormed home to win both the Relay Cup and the Overall Championship much to the astonishment of our Sports Captains, Joanna Turner and Dominique Favell, who now have faith that Octopuses actually can run Special mention must go to Jasmine forborough (12) and Kara Millman (I I) for outstanding indiv'dual performances As every year passes O'Connor girls continue to spread our individual light and our special style over the

entire school. 2001 really has been one of our finest years. The laughter has been loud, the tears few and the memories everlasting. The year has flown by and all of the Year 125 would like to thank Mrs Cowen, Miss Charles- Edwards and all the O'Connor year groups for making our final year so special. We would especially like to thank Mrs Kings, who has been our beacon of light, guiding and supporting us through all the trials they would have liked to have been in our House. Well for us who have experienced five years of maroon glory, we would like to say that we have absolutely loved every minute of being in O'Connor and tribulations, rentrums and triumphs. People often say that

Sally Come & Menno Stephanos






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