2001 School Magazine
, 30 : mackay
Fantastic, am o21'rig, wonderful
Victoria Park. However those steep hills and pot holes did not dampen the determination of our Angels The girls all drew on their innermost strength to skip, walk and, in some cases, actually run the course. A special mention must go to Tori Royle in Year 11 and Jennifer Davis, our Sports Captain for their exceptional performances on the day
Following the success of the Inter house Choir was the Inter house Athletics. Mackay girls ran, jumped, threw and flew through the day with amazing enthusiasm and spirit The girls all decked out un white cheered together and showed their athletic abilities. The highlight of the day for me was watching Mr Bland lead the House in a war cry dedicated to the long jump pits broom
This year has been an unforgettable year for Mackay. filled with angel wings, halos and mounds of glitter Mackians have made their heavenly mark in every Inter house event this year From the Athletics to the Drama, Mackay has been filled with a glowing spirit paralleled by no other House The beginning of the year marked a new era of Mackay with the introduction of our new Year 85 Within days these girls established their new Mackay identities and went on to show us their spirit and House enthusiasm at all of the Inter house events. Their first event was the Year 8 inter house Volleyball at which all of the girls played exceptionally well The first full House event was the wonderful Mackay House Party This was the first opportunity for the Year 85 to get into the spirit and costumes of Mackay. All of Mackay turned up with their many and beautiful angel costumes The afternoon was filled with games, food, fun and of course, our beautiful Mackay Angels Also in first term we had the Inter house Swimming at Chandler The Mackay girls all got into the spirit of the day armed with House cheers, masses of giltte, wings and the very cool Mackay tattoos thanks to the Year 11 girls. The Mackay swimmers performed brilliantly showing real enthusiasm helping make the day The next event on the Mackay House calendar was the Inter house Drama This play transported the girls to a cartoon land of evil monkeys and Power puff girls who were destined to save the world Allof the girls were stunning on the night. Mackaywas unfortunate not to make it into the Showcase. A special thanks must go to Gillian MCFarland, our Drama Captain, who did an excellent job in directing our Mackay stars In second term, Mackay faced the daunting Cross Country track of a brilliant example of the spirit demonstrated in Mackay 2001
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During the third term of the year Mackay was placed an amazing second in the inter house Choir competition. The House performed the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games theme song Amigos Polo Sitmpre: This song proved to be somewhat of a challenge in the earlier stages of rehearsal, however after much practice and direction from our Captain Catriona Swindells, the choir performed to a brilliant standard Special thanks go to Anna Rumbach who sang the soloist segment and Mr Bland who played the piano The Junior Merle Weaver Competition provided an opportunity for Lauren Williams in Year 10 to demonstrate her public speaking skill. She spoke on the topic of briomnce is Bliss' and came away a clear winner entertaining all of us with her wit and strong message
Looking back over the highs and lows of Mackay Houselife, this year makes me both sad and happy. I would sincerely like to thank Mrs Colwill, Head of Mackay House, for helping to guide me and the House through the year. I would also like to thank all of the House Group Teachers who have been an essential part of the House structure. A special thank you to my House Group Teacher, Mr Pincott and my House Group who have really come together and shown the'r leadership abilities Finally to the girls of Mackay, I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful and memorable year. You have made the House what it was this year and what it will become in the future. I would like to wish everyone the best of luck for next year and the many years to come after that
Shine as brightly as you can Angels, now and forever
Mck!e Lee Hew House Coptoin
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