2001 School Magazine
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in 2001, Lilley House had some serious fun. With guts, grins and greenery, we took on the School and produced exciting triumphs in all facets of House life We began the year by welcoming our enthusiastic new team of Year 85 at the annual House Party, and Initiated them with unheard of quantities of green cordial and chocolate custard The competition for the coveted Miss Lilley is always tough, but Michelle de Plater managed to'wow'the judges with her display of humour, spirit and greenery and took out this year's competition The Year 85 were eager to show the rest of the House what they were made of, and succeeded in achieving
House once again took out the overall first placing for the day But the depth of the House did not end at our sporting prowess. Our cultural talents were on show when Drama Captains Zoe Brand and Megan Kelly directed Monty Pythont The Holy Grill, starring Alex Wilson, Claire Karrasch, Bellnda MCCrae and Annie Humphreys. The performance was one of Lilley's best, and a pleasure to both perform In, and to watch But this was only a 'warm-up'of things to come. it's no secret that Lilley House is not famous for its musical talents, but under the skinl eyes of Choir Captains, Sara Hills and Jane Humphreys, for the first time eve, the House managed to take second place
Year 95 to fill in for sick girls This enabled us to have a girl in every race; an achievement in itself There were some great individual achievements on the day, In particular;Carly A1biez, Tenrieille Jansons, Jaclyn Vosloo and Rachel MCPaul, but the success of the team was really shown when we took second place for the England Cup for Relays By now, our spirit seemed to be slowly depleting, so in an effort to regain our spirit and regroup, the entire House became Involved in a charity fundraiser that will remain a Liney Legend for many years to come The House put on its very own fashion parade ... of teachers' wedding dresses, in the LineyHouse
farewelled Ms Macdonald in Term Two. We also farewelled Mrs Edwards, our fobulous Head of House, who took leave to have her first child Mrs Edwards has been Head of House for over three years, and much of our success can be attributed to her support, spirit and endless supply of chocolate 2001 will particularly remain in all Lilley girls' minds, for various reasons maybe it'11 be for our sporting achievement, our cultural successes, maybe the deadly"Finger of Shame;' or maybe for all the fun and friendships that we made and strengthened. The Seniors would particularly like to thank Mrs Edwards, our Head of House, and Mrs Charles- Edwards who was more a friend than a House Group Teacher. We would also like to thank our other House Group Teachers - Ms Murray, Mrs Templeton-Knight, Ms SCOthern and MISS Salmon - for all their support during the year. My personal thanks to Claire Olive for her superior organization and friendship as Vice- Captain (you made my job so much easier), and to every Lilley House Group Senior for their reliability and spirit. Every Lilley girl can be proud of how successful and enjoyable the year was, and I wish you all the best for 2002
second place in the Year 81nterhouse Volleyball Competition. A truly commendable achievementI This placing set a high standard for all Lilley girls to strive for, especially for the next Interhouse event, the swimming carnival. Right from the word go, Lilley girls were determined to show the School what it really means to be green. Although we had a 'shaky' start, we dug deep and to everyone's delight, especially our wonderful Sports Captains, 10sie Wagstaff and Caroline Gregory, Lilley
in this year's chorale competition This is the best result ever achieved by the House, and credit must go to the wonder co-captains, our beautiful soloists, and the massed choir consisting of every girl In the House A bonza job girls Inter house Athletics saw all Lillians out in their various shades of green supporting and cheering, like never before. We were unfortunate to not have many athletes due to illness, however I was very proud to see such enthusiasm especially amongst the
Bridal Extravaganza! That's right, all over the School those were the words on everyone's lips. as mystery surrounded what some of the female staff wore on their special day The turn-out was enormous, and over $500 was raised for the Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland and the Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee Throughout the yea, we also welcomed some new faces into the House. Mr SCOthern became the new Year 9 House Group Teacher, as we
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