2001 School Magazine

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2001 has proved to be a fantastic year for Grimth, with many successes in all areas of Grammar life. Year 12 commenced the year with a welcome day for the new Year 8 Redbacks After a lot of red, fun and food, we introduced the Year 85 to life at Girls Grammar Soon after school had commenced, Grimth held their House Party. This fun-filled afternoon revealed dozens of red girls showing their talents in the annual"MISS Redback"Competition and other games throughout the afternoon Year I I must be coinmended for winning the Miss Redback Competition, and special thanks must go to Mr Wheatley (Year I I House GroupTeacher) for his unique Phantom rendition. The afternoon provided a great opportunity to introduce the Year 85 to the rest of the House Shortly after our House Party, inter house Drama began. Our two Drama Captains were Sophie Paviour and Lauren Slater. They chose to write a script based on the new hit 'Chorl^t3 Angels'. After four weeks of intensive rehearsals, our own three angels. Moily Banne"Anna Clemesha and Sophie Wardell and the rest of the cast, captivated the audience through the entire performance. Although we did not make 11 to the showcase, this was one of Grimth's best productions Thanks must go to all girls involved in the production. Your hard work and dedication were much appreciated, as were the efforts of Sophie and Lauren who showed ongoing organization and enthusiasm throughout all rehearsals and the final production Another major event in Term One was the inter house Swimming Congratulations must go to Care Moore, Laura Whish and to Moore for their achievements on the day Special thanks must go to all the Year 85 for their enthusiastic cheering throughout the day. Inter house Swimming gave Grimth an ideal opportunity to show off their newly acquired red floppy hats. These hats were sourced by the Year 125 and


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have become an exclusive part of the Grimth attire. Soon after the Interhouse Swimming. the Redbacks met again in Victoria Park to compete In the inter house Cross Country The afternoon was filled with a record number of Grimth competitors, some fantastic cheering and some well-earned red 10/11es Term Two saw the commencement of rehearsals for the inter house Choral Competition Our three captains, Jess Campbell, Louise Cottone and Nichola Hinchy, chose to perform Hero'by Mariah Carey Rehearsals consisted of each captain taking a different part of the choir (Alto, Soprano or Second Soprano) to work on their parts, and then bringing the choir together for a full run through On the day of the competition, Grimth truly shone. Everyone's neat uniform and impeccable grooming made the choir look amazing. Their polished performance and appearance

obviously made an impression on the judge as she awarded Grimth first place for the 2001 Inter house Choral Coinpetit!on. Congratulations to our three captains and also to PIP Davie, our accompanist, our soloists, Anna Clemesha and Carly Taibot, and our trio consisting of Jess Campbell, Hannah Douglas and Amy Smith After our huge success at inter house Choir, Inter house Athletics brought yet another excuse for the mighty Redbacks to don their red amie and spend a day cheering for their House Thanks must go to all the girls who participated and helped Grimth to gain overall third place. Kate Leitch must be congratulated on being awarded equal School Athletics Champion The year as a whole has been remarkable and one that every Year 12 will cherish We are indebted to our kind and caring House Group Teachers whose efforts ensured the

smooth running of the House A special thank you must go to our wonderful Head of House, Ms O'Suilivan. Without her support GIIffith could never have achieved so much

Froncesco Warden House Captain

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