2001 School Magazine

, , . : england

Here's a little story about our little team, It's called E N G L A N D We've got the right moves and we've got the right motion, so when you hear us cheering, we cause such a commotion. England has certainly taken the School by storm in 2001 with an array of exceptional achievements both individual and as a House The talented eagles have made their presence felt at every House event this year, performing with strength, determination, spirit and sportsmanship! 2001 was destined to be a fun-filled year of victory as the whole house prepared themselves to jump, run, swim, sing, laugh, dance, leap, cheer, and soar our way through the year! England's first major event for the year was the annual House Party extravaganza Everyone flew into action, dressed in their sparkling and creative blue clothes ready for an afternoon fullof fun games such as limbo and the hairdressing competition, singing and dancing as well as the MISS England Talent Quest, which saw the energetic Year 115 win with their creative performance based on Charlie's Angels. The climax of the afternoon for many eaglets was the huge cake and junk food. No one went home undernourished The Year 85, not knowing what Grammar and House Spirit are all about, successfully challenged themselves in the Year 8 Volleyball Competition. As many had never played a real game of volleyball before, they all took to the court dressed in their extremely bright and new House shirts and showed all the other Houses what they would have to face for the next five years The blue team soared into the finals and was awarded fourth place The Interhouse Swimming Carnival held at Chandler was the very first opportunity for England House to show how talented and spirited we all really are. The blue cap quickly became a symbol of victory for all

Englandites participating enthusiastically both in the water and In the grandstand. The loud and supportive cheering from the whole House helped England's superfish Sarah Holtam win Overall Age Champion in the 16 years division The Inter house Drama provided the more artistically inclined members of the House with an opportunity to display their talent. The play Little Shop of Horrors: directed by our Drama Captain, Sally Greenland, impressed the audience immensely, especially the wonderful performance of Bella Ritchie, who was fully painted in green body paint playing the character of Audrey, a green Venus flytrap Even though we were not selected for the main showcase, the brilliant performance was a reflection of all the hard work that had gone towards the event Term Two began with the next event on the agenda, inter house Cross Country. After struggling up the mountain ranges of Victoria Park, we ran, skipped and crawled over the line Our dry throats and wobbly legs were proof of our courageous efforts Away from the sporting arena, England House discovered that they could sing. Even though there was very limited time to rehearse, our captains, Natalie Lindwall and Gwen Warnick selected a beautiful piece of music, 'You Can't Hurry Love'by Diana Ross and with the cooperation of the House, the performance was successfully accomplished House meetings now had a new swing to them as everyone sang along in their talented voices. On a less musical note, Sophie Smith, England's representative in the Junior Mer!e Weaver Public Speaking Competition, skilfully argued, "it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at alll Eagles were out in force to finish the year on a high note, showing mixed success on the track and in the field at inter house Athletics. While our England athletes showcased their


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talent, those less athletic dressed decorative Iy in an array of blue colours, cheered tirelessly displaying their amazing participation. Thanks to Jess Stevenson, fullia Jack and Larissa Beame for endless England spirit, fun and cheering Frankie Bain's amazing performance earned her the 16 years Overall Champion as well as the Overall School Athletic Champion Congratulations should not only be given to Frankie but to every girl that participated on the day and cheered until none had any voice left it has been an unforgettable year in the eyes of England House, especially for the Year 125 who will always know that with a little spirit and some hard work, you can always"Soar Above The Rest': Each and every one of these seniors should be coinmended for their five years of service and support to the House. A special thank you must go to Ms Forster who puts in many hours of effortinto assuring that her flock fly together and

continue to soar. A big thank you to Mr Allinson who kindly stepped in as Head of House while Ms Forster was on Long Service Leave. His tireless attention, spirit and support of the House must be acknowledged. To all the England House Group Teachers, Ms Hall, Mrs Morris, Mrs Hadgraft. MISS MCAdam and Mrs Cooke, thank you for keeping us in line Without all this help we would never have made it To the sen'o15 of 2002, don't lose the wonderful House spirit that you all have 'nside you. Store it over the holidays and put it Into action next year. I would like to wish the Seniors of 2001 the best of luck in the future and thank you for a terrific five years

Amon do Anjoyson House Coptoin

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