2001 School Magazine

^ DB : beanland

Individual performances by Georgia Glidden, Elke Bell and Matilda Gunn helped Beanland to win the Individual Events Trophy and place second overall to O'Connor. This is the best result achieved in the history of the House, and allgirls are to be congratulated on their spirit and enthusiasm on the day Beanland also performed well in the inter house Volleyball, the Beep Test and the Junior Merle Weaver Public 2001 has proved to be both an enjoyable and successful year as all Beanlanders have demonstrated their spirit, talent, love of the colour pink and ability to consume all types of foods from pancakes and chocolate croissants to minties and strawberry freddos Thank you to all the girls for making 2001 such a special yea, and especially the Year 12 group who have been extremely supportive and heaps of fun to be around over the past five years Thanks must also go to Georgia Fleming and Catherine Hinds, our Sports Captains, who did a fantasticjob organising and inspiring Beanlanders to reach their athletic potentials, and to ETin Laurie, House Vice-Captain, for her enormous contribution and organization throughout the year To all the House Group Teachers, thank you for your support, it has been greatly appreciated The year would certainly not have been the same without the invaluable contributions of Mr Addison, our House Group teacher, and Mrs Chakravorty, our Head of House, whose dedication to Beanland is much appreciated 2001 has proved to be year of spirit, fun and friendship I thank all the girls and wish next year's Captains and Seniors the best of luck Speaking Competition where Kate Boyd did an awesomejob convincing the audience that Msfortune Tests the 51hcenty of Fr^^ridship



2001 has proved to be another fun and successful year for Beanland House, where allgirls have contributed enthusiasm and spirit to create lasting memories of all the year's activities and achievements The year started with Introductions to our new Year 85, whose energy and enthusiasm have made them valuable assets to the House The hot pink of Beanland came out in full force for the first time on Valentine's Day at the annual House Party, during which all girls proceeded to eat their way through pizza, doughnuts, pink cake, pink cordial and pink freddos, as well as participate In the highly accoladed Miss Beanland competition. The Year 85 look out the honour with an Inspiring Beanland rendition of 17n a Barde Girl The Year I is were placed a close second but took out the Noticeboard competition with their artistic creation, the "Wheelof Beanlond" The pink costumes and makeup came out again in abundance at the first interhouse event of the yeaL the Swimming. Beanlanders became hot pink streaks sprinting down the pool, placing the House a commendable eighth at the end of the day Special congratulations must go to Elyse Chant for blitzing the pool and winning the 14 years age group Also in Term One, Beanlanders took to the stage in a fantastic visual production of Snow White in the Inter house Drama Brilliant directing by to Elsy and AllWanchap, as well as


memorable performances by Libby Gill as Snow White and Clare MCMurtrie as her Prince Charming, secured Beanland a place in the Showcase, where all girls were able to show their outstanding acting skills once again The Cross Country event in Victoria Park was another opportunity for Beanlanders to display their talent. with Daina Surka, Jaime Burnell, We ridy Chilvers and Emma Prize man all placing strongly for the House Led by Caroline Hendry and Georgina Yellowlees, Beanland's performance

of How Sweet it 157b Be Loved By You in the Inter house Choir proved to be an enjoyable experience. House meetings became noisier and 1011ies more prominent as the event neared On the day, soloists Susie Grierson and Libby Gill sang beautifully and were well backed up by the rest of the House, who did a fantasticjob of singing and smiling during the performance One of the highlights of the year was the inter house Athletics at Nudgee College, where pink power prevailed as girls ran, threw and jumped their way to success. Some outstanding

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