2001 School Magazine
^ ^ : health & PE achievers
Alaria Hew (! I Mockoy) represented AUStr0!10 us on Grusnc gymnostin the EOStAsio Games in foponin Moy She placed Ih, ,din the seniorno"on o1,111esin Julyond wos seiecredin Ihe AUS!folion World Chompionship ledm to compete in Ghent!n October
FellotyAbrom (10 Hirschfo!d) was the Notiono15econdo, y Schools inclh!on chomp!on andolso become the under ISA" SchoolNo"on o1Cross Country thornpion in HobortinAugust She was tooyoung to competein a world 11/01hlon chompionsh, p but wosinwted, with speciolpermission 10 compete in the Aquathon WorldChompionsh, pin Edmon!on, Curiodo on dpioced fourth in Ihe efrte category Fellciry o150 PIOced firstin Portiond Oregon in the North West Regionol Championships in the Open Womens Spnn! 01510nceTr, othlon
PeroMCGmth (12 Engiond compeledm both Inchviduo! and team events o1 the under 20 AUStro!ion Chompionshpsin lendng She wos o member of Ihe 8GGSA reom who won the NationalschoolgirlChomp, on ship Pet0 o150 compeledin the notional under 17 foil andepee events and in Cho!Ienge AUStr0!10 - the Epee WorldCup competing o901nstinternot!on o1foncers
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