2000 School Magazine

o connor

O'Connor made a wonderful start to the new millennium with a year full of success, fun and spirit. The mighty maroons made the other Houses tremble in their boots as they swam, acted, ran, jumped and sang their way through an enjoyable year. At the beginning, we welcomed an enthusiastic group of Year 85 into the House with a tour of the school and game playing in Victoria Park. Our House Party was an excellent way to start the year and, clad in our mighty maroon'gear, we partied all afternoon with pizza, cake, and competition was exciting and fullof tension as all the acts were creative and original. The Year 10s were finally victorious although Year 125, who have never won this contest, were "Highly Coinmended"for their "Bold ond Beoutifulwith o Twist" written by Eve Cooper. After a close final with Woolcock, the O'Connor girls won the Year 8 Volleyball competition, starting their BGGS career in tremendous fashion. Next came the Inter house Drama competition. Marguerite But noris and Vanessa Rothwell were superb Drama Captains motivating the whole House to produce its very best acting skills, particularly Katie Moore and Sally Came. Margie's original play 'Press OneibrBreod" was well written and revealed our very own Will Shakes peare! As octopi, we take to the water naturally, so the Interhouse Swimming is always tremendous fun. The atmosphere was electric as maroon girls clapped and urged their teammates on to a triumphant win of the relay cup. Our swimmers worked well together as a team; in particular, congratulations must go to Samantha Gregg who swam extremely well. In Term Two we ran, skipped or walked through the Cross Country course in Victoria Park making it all look ridiculously easy! Lauren Gamero in Year 8 was our star of the day by coming first in her age group. Thanks to teacher support, everyone earned co double points each time they crossed the line. O Term Three began on a very good note, with the Inter house Choir competition! .A . games including the all-time favourite, Chubbie Bunnies! The Miss O'Connor

Colette Brehon and Jessica Rudd, our wonder Choir Captains, chose the beautiful song "High" by the Lighthouse Family. We had big grins on our faces and our harmonies were perfect in the competition. Erin Couper sang an excellent solo at the beginning of the piece. As octopi we always have the advantage of more legs when competing in the Athletics Carnival! This year was no exception and the enthusiastic maroon support and participation was commendable. Congratulations to Sally Moore, our capable Sports Captain, who finished the day as 17 years age champion. The year may have drawn to a close but the memories still live on. The House has had a very enjoyable year, packed with success and fun. I would like to thank everyone in O'Connor for their great teamwork and Mrs Kings for her guidance, motivation and enthusiasm. She was always there for all of us if we had any worries orjust wished to share a story. Thanks also to our wonderful Year 12 House Group Teacher, Mr Bowman, who always told us really badjokes but who wore the best ties in the whole world! Finally a big thank you to all of the Year 12 0'Connorians. We came into the school five years ago not knowing each other, but have since turned into a great bunch of friends. Good luck to all of you in the future! If this yearis anything to go by you will all go far! I would like to give a massive thank you to Jess Harrison, Sally Moore and Kate Dobbrick. They were all so committed to making the year a success. We could not have done anything without them.

Good luck to O'Connor in 2001. The spirit and enthusiasm of the girls will once more makeit a success!

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