2000 School Magazine


The year 2000 was the year that the Mackay Angels were re-born with new and ever- strengthening wings. Each and every Angel shone in her own light, and collectively Mackay House exerted more character, spirit and enthusiasm than I have ever witnessed before. On I O February, Mackay House opened the school year with an exciting and fun-filled House Party, which resulted in much enjoyment for all and the opportunity to welcome the Year 85. The afternoon consisted of games, competitions and a feast of white delicacies to honour the colour of our House and throughout this special afternoon I noticed how many bright personalities and fun-loving girls Mackay House contains. I was fortunate to have each and every Angel behind me during this celebratory school year. The Swimming Carnival followed the annual party on the Mackay House calendar and many costumes were enhanced between these events to make a major impact on the day. Beautiful met classic and funky met stylish, when each Angel dressed for the swimming carnival. Although we did not win overall, the Mackay Angels understated the word "cheersquad"when it came to their enthusiasm during the wareries. All in all, the swimming carnival was a major success. The next success the Mackay Angels experienced was in the Inter house Drama Competition, in which we were fortunate enough to be selected for the Drama Showcase, consisting of just three Houses. Mackay House performed an adaptation of the modern movie Pleasantville, which was written and directed by Drama Captains, Natalie and Liz Christiansen. A thank you must go to Nat and Liz, as they remained cool and calm throughout countless rehearsals and preparations. Mackay House next faced the Cross Country event, and although I 00% participation was not achieved, fun was had by all. The ever growing Mackay spirit was clearly evident on this day, and the afternoon certainly provided us with a pleasant event. A special mention ,, must go to Tori Royle in Year I O, as her vi amazing running achievements continually astonish us all!!

Term Three provided Mackay with the opportunity to compete in both the arts and sporting areas. Interhouse Choir provided the girls with the chance to have fun whilst singing, which was certainly evident during our performance. The entire House competed as one, as we sang "Every Time I Feelthe Spirit! which is a traditional Negro spiritual song led once again by the talented Liz Christiansen, Mackay Choir Captain. Following the Inter house Choir, Mackay supported the BGGS Big Project by running a hot chocolate and cookie stall. This was both a fun and pleasing way to further contribute to the money donated by Mackay in February, making our House the Big Project's first official donors. The initial sum of money was comprised of Mackay's fundraising from the BGGS Expo in both 1998 and 1999 and our Winter stallincreased this amount considerably. There are many people that I wish to thank, as the House would not have run so smoothly without your input and support ... Thank you Year 115 for your newfound strengths and participation, which helped to support the Year 125 so closely; and I wish you luck for next year. Thank you Mrs Colwill, for being the most easy-going and supportive Head of House any Angel could wish for. Thank you Mr Pincott for being such a humorous House Group Teacher ... your special breakfasts; personal tips and our morning conversations will not be forgotten! Thank you Allira Power, the Mackay Vice House Captain, who has been by my side during everything and who I have gotten to know so well! And finally thank you Year its for absolutely everything. I am grateful to every single one of you. it has been my greatest honour to represent Mackay House in this celebratory year of 2000 and I hope that every Angel will carry on the vibrant spirit and enthusiasm that she has developed and nurtured during her time in Mackay. Good luck to everyone for their future in Mackay House and after your school days have finished.

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