2000 School Magazine

olympic connections


The School's involvement with the Torch Relay continued with the String Quartet of Courtney Lind, Taya-Gae Leemeijer, Janet Anderson and Janet Khafagi, played at the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron in the Botanic Gardens. They were not immune to the appeal of the torch and entered into the spirit of the occasion, having their photograph taken with various personalities, including Allan Border.


Year12 water polo players, Jessica Moles, Anna Moore and Suzannah Froser (members of the Australian Youth Squad 2000) celebrated the arrival of the Torch at Kawana Waters. They played in the curtain raiser to the "Flame Game"women's match between Australia and the USA. This game was a preview of the lively competition ahead in Sydney, when women's water polo was included in the Olympic program for the first time.



The entire school was proud that one member of the physical education staff, Miss A1ice Barrett, participated in the selection trials for the Australian athletics team at Stadium Australia at Homebush. Ajice is third runner from the right - Lane 6

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Peta MCGrath and Lindsay MCGrath were Olympic volunteers at Sydney 2000. They worked with the Fencing sports staff at the Convention Centre, Darling Harbour in Athletes and Officials Services. Their greatest perk was to be in the audience for the ning Ceremony rehearsal.


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