2000 School Magazine
global 10n9uoqe conference
It was wonderful to be able to welcome into the School representatives from four of our five sister schools and to spend time with them during the week gaining a greater understanding of their educational systems, vis a vis our own. On Thursday evening a banquet was held for those involved in the program, including many of the guest speakers from the conference. A feature of the evening was a reaffirmation of the Sister School agreements through the signing of documents which stated that we pledge ourselves to continue our relationships with theo^jective of promoting mutual understanding and friendshfy7 between ourschools and our cultures. We will continue to support the exchonge of students ond the development of other educotionolexchonge progmms as mutually agreed On Saturday evening, it was a privilege to have the Minister for Education, the Honourable Dean Wells, MLA and his daughter Michelle to former student of the School)join delegates for a short while. Mr Wells had earlier this year visited Shanghai N0 3 Girls Middle School and he thoroughly enjoyed renewing his acquaintance with leaders of that institution. At Sunday lunch many members of our School Family joined in a farewell BBQ Throughout the week the school had an international flavour with the decorations organised by the Student Executive greatly appreciated by all. Each day there was different food at the Tuckshop - Chinese, Japanese, French and German ending with an Australian Day on the Friday. From the very moment the three Chinese lions arrived on Monday through to Radio Rockmelon on Friday the whole week was one of celebration and enjoyment. A special thanks must go to all those who hosted our visitors and helped to make the week such a wonderful success. In conclusion, it is hoped that we have all learned to understand, rather than judge, other people's ways of viewing the world and that we can better appreciate our own perspective in its global, historical and social context and accept that perspective as one among many possible expressions of modern society. (ingrain, 1999).
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Ms He funori, PIincipo! of Shongho! N0 3 Girls Middle Sth004 occepnng gift from Iennifor Cheung, Year 12, after her conference oddress
Keynote speoke4 Profossor Cohn PowerJ'ormerDeputy Orec!OF Generolfor Education, UNESCO
Chinese good-lucklion, our guests from Mono-Wochtle*Sthu!e, renniibrCheung (U and Holly Smith iru or launch of Conforence Week
Mr Himyomo andMrs Honcock exchongeg!fts at the Golo Bonquet
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MrToichiro minaok! presents greetings from Tsushima Girls High to the delegotes
BGGS welcomes dele90, es from flushimo Girls High ond Shonghoi N0 3 Middle Girls High
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Cairnn Goss presents the Youth Manji*sto to the Premier
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