2000 School Magazine
beyond the CIOssroom
Tournament of Mindsis an activity which requires girls from junior grades to form teams of seven. These teams are presented with problems in either Maths & Engineering, Social Sciences or Languages and they have 4 to 6 weeks to develop a brief presentation outlining their solution to the problem. Constraints include time, space, materials and limited outside assistance. This yearthe club began meeting in early May. Girls participated in several lateral thinking and group activities to gain experience and began work on their problems in the first week of third term. Activities CUIminated after 4 weeks of hard work on Tournament Day (Sunday 20 August) at St Paul's School, Bald Hills. Brisbane Girls Grammar was well represented by five teams. The day was enjoyable and an This year the Groinmar Gazette has continued to provide students, parents, Old Girls, future families and other members of the School Community with insightful news on the school and its many activities. Indeed, because the newspaper is written primarily by the students and staffit acts as a valuable reflection of school life throughout the year. The Gazette is read widely with over 8000 copies of the paper published and distributed throughout the world The Gazette itself covers a variety of areas ranging from special features on members of the student and staffing body, to articles on sport, music, art and drama. This year both editions focused on the School's 125th anniversary celebrations covering events such ~ as the 125th Praise and Thanksgiving Assembly, fashion parade of past Grammar uniforms, Anniversary Dinner and the efforts of co The Big Project. C Girls from Years 8 to 12 act as reporters for the C c Gozette, allowing the paper to encompass the > perspectives of girls from all year levels. The c hard work which goes into researching articles e and meeting the formidable deadlines should e ^ be acknowledged. in particular the Sports u Editor, Anna Moore, and Arts Editor, Jacqueline 19 " Wu, have done a fantasticjob coordinating 10 -. THE GRAMMAR GAZETTE
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exciting challenge for the girls' All teams performed well in their various categories, with Team 3 receiving a Spirit of Tournament award. Thanks must go to Mrs Farr for co-ordinating the school's involvement, Mrs Boltman, Mrs Nash, Mrs Just, Alex Carter, Claire Olive, Claire 01sen, Megan Staib and Kate Lilley for acting as focilitators.
Kale Liney ond MelonieJones Captains
their respective sections of the paper. To the school photographers, we thank you very much for your wonderful photographs throughout the year. Special thanks must go to Mrs Reddacliff who almost single-handed Iy held the paper together, ensuring every deadline was met and every space filled. Mr Rowell who helped the paper with his photographic skill, Mrs Cooke who could always be relied on for last minute articles and Ms Farr for her editing prowess, must also be thanked for their hard work. it has been a fantastic experience working on a paper which continues to have a profound impact on the school community.
KOIherineMercerondJocqueline Mantle Co- Editors
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