2000 School Magazine

125th coinmemorc, tive 910ve

Sunday 21 May was a glorious day when some six hundred members of the Grammar family - both past and present - gathered at the Memorial Outdoor Education Centre at jinbil. The occasion was the planting of one hectare of Australian cabinet timbers which will form a Commemorative Grove to celebrate not only the Year 2000 and our 125th anniversary, but also twenty-one years of the Fathers Group operating within the School. The site chosen for the plantation has been set out for planting on a grid with tree species and locations keyed into a master plan. Trees planted by individuals will be identified on the plan for future reference. Fast growing species are expected to mature in twelve to fifteen years time and the slower species in some twenty-five years time. MrTrevor Lynch, a former Chairman of the Fathers Group and a Landscape Architect who initiated this wonderful idea, stated that: Our Memorial OutdoorEducotion Centre has a veryspeciolplocein the hearts of both present andpast members of the Schoolcommunity ond has involved countless fathers in working bees since ^^s opening in 1987. A number of fathers were able to attend the ceremony where, in addition to the tree planting, a new dormitory block was also named in honour of the contribution made by Peter Wilson and other fathers over the years' The Outdoor Education Centre was originally established as a permanent memorial to John and Janelle Stainford and two students, He Ien Gahan and Jillian Skaines, who lost their lives in a tragic bus accident at Christmas Creek on 21 April 1979. Over the years the Centre has continued to develop under the stewardship of Tim and Sue Lanham and BGGS now has a place of beauty and tranquillity where visitors come away feeling renewed. The Centre is a living tribute to the fact that out of great adversity can come so much that is positive and ongoing.



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