1999 School Magazine
Lensgirls par excellence! Goodbye 10 Am anda, Edwina and Eliza Like many before them, these Senior Off CIO School Photographers leave a valuable legacy in Iheir visual recording of School activities over the last two Years it's not only beavering away in the darkroo or wailing pollenlly for THAT shot at various events; it's also sharing the pleasure of producing pictures of fellow students in all aspects o1 Grammar life. So, thanks and farewell, and remember us every time You see a photo opportunity! Zooming in to lake up the challenge is our Year I I team of Allce, Greer and lulle-Anna. You follow a great team Ichn Rowell Media Deporimeni
I999 Senior Official Photographers 11Rj Am ando Walkins. Edwina Newion, Elizo Adorn
Year I I Photographers 11. Rl' Greer Giftoes, Allce Eichberger, JulieAnna Smith
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