1999 School Magazine


As I pack away my Yellow babydoll nightie and brunch coal for the last lime I think I have finally realised what true Woolcock spirit is. Being a Woolcockian 15 not lust belonging 10 a House, it's a way of life It's about viewing life through Yellow-tinted glasses, screaming Yellow-murder o1 the Interhouse Athletics and groovin' through life like a little ray of sunshine

Hasn'I the sun shone on us this Year!I I in I 999 Woolcock has once again proved how wonderful, weird and WCCky Woolcockians can be. We skirted off the Year crowning the beautiful and talented Alexandra Knoll as Miss Woolcock for I 999 and were 1010/1y dazzled by the fantastic array o1 costumes ranging from fluorescent yellow harem ouchis to attractive lemon jujus. The Infer house Drama Production of Cinderella, skilling Andreo Woolcock and Genevieve Starkey, received a Highly Coinmended and was certainly a tribute to those who put so much lime and effort into it. The drama was followed closely by Inter house Swimming in which our mascot Woolcocky, courtesy of Mr Biomiley, screeched us almost all the way 10 victory. Although we didn't win the swimming we certainly impressed the other Houses with our war cries and spirit. The interhouse Choir, led by Choir Captains Gen Starkey, Tommy Rhodes and Anna Lyons, sang a fantastic rendition of in The Still Of The Nighi which was a huge success. Congratulations and a big thank You 10 the three Capbins!I I The Inter house Athletics and Cross Country compelitions also gave Woolcock a chance 10 show what it was really made o11 I Thanks bio MYers and Vicky Morrison the day was full of spirit, fun and cheering! The spirit showed by Woolcockians o1 the Athletics especially was amazing and so were some of the Woolcock athletes, namely lisa Flint, Tomazyn Kettlebn and the members of the fantastic Year 8 Relay Team, including Iennifer Nicholls, I\11kki Bennett, She ridan Belnays and Stephanie Alland As well as achieving amazing things in the Interhouse events Woolcock also raised $400 for Save the Children's Mobile Playscheme Program earlier in Ihe Year. Thanks to the House Group Captain of Year Q, Ienny Khafogi, Woolcock also raised $ I 20 for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. A combined House elfori collected warm clothing and passed this on 10 the Smith Family Thanks must go 10 Mrs Bailey, Mrsjusi, Mr Offer, Mr Devoy, Mr Holley and Mrs Woodford who do so much for Woolcock House and are such spirited Woolcockians. Thank You 10 Woolcock House for making our last Year as Woolcockians such a special one Finally thank you 10 the other Year I 25, especially the Sports Capbin 10 Myers, Vices ports Captain Vicky Morrison and Vice Captain Cal Macphee, without whom I 999 would never have been such a wonderful Iy wicked, wayoui Woolcock world


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