1999 School Magazine


Dressed for the occasion in white from head 10 toe, Mockiens were ready to make their mark at our first Interhouse competition, Swimming. With our new war cries, our cheers rang around Chandler as we exhausted our opposition with our neverfailing enthusiasm! The next event revealed the dramatic prowess of Mockay actresses shining through in the interhouse Drama Competition. Under the direction o1 our extremely talented Drama Captain, Thea Oakley, Mockay stole the spotlight. The House performed Theo'5 original script tilled 'Sunken junk'. Whilst highly entertaining 'Sunken junk' served as a poignani reminder of the denimenial effects of irresponsible activities on the environment The culmination of weeks of rehearsals and dedication by all involved was rewarded by our nomination 10 perform in the final showcase, a marvellous effort! The Cross Country Carnival later saw Mockiens out in force. Whilst struggling up the mountain ranges in Victoria Park, we ran, skipped and crawled over the line. Our sunburnt faces and wobbly legs were proof of our courageous efforts despite our final eighth placing Mockay approached Term 3 with our usual energy and spirit. We continued our strong performances, this time in the arts arena. Under the leadership of Adelaide Edwards and Milando Carson, Mockiens of all grades combined to form a choir of angels 10 sing the theme song from the TV. show Friends, I'll be Ihere for you. Our Debating team, Allira Power IYear I I I, Coiliona Swindells IYear I 01 and IOUren Williams IYear 81 put forward a strong argument against the positive effects of competition. Our Debating Captain, Konina Zonella, helped prepare the team for a very creditable showing despite our early defeat Shehara Mendis of Year Q also confidently represented Mockay in the junior Merle Weaver Public Speaking competition Mockiens were out in force 10 finish the Year on a high note, showing mixed success on the track and in the field at the inter house Athletics. Whilsi our Mockay athletes showcased their talent, those less athletic House members dressed decorativeIy in House colours cheered tirelessly, displaying their amazing participaiion The day was a great success, due to our organised, committed and encouraging Sports Captain Kelly Sounders and Vice Captain Anna Mothews As the Year draws to an end, my sincere thanks must go to our Year I2s. A diversely talented group, all girls contributed in their own special way to make the Year a tremendous Particular mention must go to my House Vice Capbin Calherine Loane for her uplifting contribution made throughout the Year. New 10 the school this year, Ms Thomas quickly adapted, providing us with support and encouragement at our most stressed Mockay Head of House, Mrs Colwill has been my fairy godmother in disguise' Her positive, calm and tranquil attitude could always be relied on. The energy and constant support Mrs Cowill has provided throughout the Year has resulted in an enjoyable year for all Mockiens, on whose behalf I'd like 10 thank her for her warm, approachable manner in dealing with a I the activities and girls in her care. 11 has been a great honour for me 10 represent what I bel'eve to be the most spirited, supportive and encouraging House. I wish all the Angels good luck for the future and know You will continue to excel in everything You participate in as "the Angel's spirit keeps us flying" Dianne HOPIey success

Spirit, enthusiasm and fun in the Grammar family is synonymous with the Mockiens of 1999. The "Angels with Attitude" triumphantly flew through the Year setting Ih benchmark for overwhelming participation all House activities A1 the beginning of an exciting Year, the Mockay House Party showed the extraordinary capabilities of our girls, especially in the ice cream eaiing competition. The Year 8 Mockiens settled in quickly, feasting with the rest of us on while frogs, sweets and cake. 11 seemed ou talents were spread through all the grades with the Year I I s winning the 'Miss Mockay' award, the Year 95 the war cry competition and our Year I OS showing us how artistically inclined they were by winning the Mockay Ndiceboord Competition


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