1999 School Magazine
I999 has been a Year that all Lillians will remember for its success, spirit and outstanding achievements. From Athletics carnivals to inter house Debating, the "Ulley legends" have lived up 10 their names on every occasion Lilley's first major event for the Year was the annual House Party extravaganza. The girls leapt into action, dressed 10 kill, in green jujus, green boas and basically every type o1 green attire jinaginable The spirit was infectious and the competition for the "Miss Lilley" title was fierce. The contestants displayed their talents, performing various acts ranging from dancing IHelen Bailey, Annabellejohnson and Kale MCCannj to initiation tests, which involved being smothered in slimy, green jelly IZoe Brand was the victimj. However, as the saying goes, "There can only be one winner, " and this Year Zoe Brand was crowned the Lilley Legend of I 999. The rest of the afternoon was filled with various games involving ice cream, balloons and every type of food jinaginable The first sporting event was the Inter house Swimming Carnival, held of the Chandler complex. 11 was an opportunity for Iilley to show how talented and spirited we really While we were all optimistic, none o1 us could have anticipated the amazing outcome. Iilley won every trophy possible, which can be attributed 10 the incredible House spirit and determination of the There were lop performances by Carly Cron'n, Belinda I^evell and Caroline Gregory The Drama production was enthusiastically directed by the Co-Captains Do vina Wadley and Megan F1aherty. Together, they wrote a script based on three well- known comedies, The Castle, Flashdance and Grease. Star performances included those by Sally HOTrison as Dale Kerrigon and Georgie Parker as Mont/. The inspiration o1 performance on the night was a reflection of all the hard work that had gone towards the event Term 2 began with the next event on the agenda, Inter house Cross Country. After many great races Lilley concluded the afternoon with an overall third placing Kale Pippos and Sally Clout outdossed their competitors in true Lilley style! are swimmers
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Away from the sporting arena, Iilley House discovered that, believe it or not, we cou d o15 sing. This Year our Choir Captains, Shannon Tow and Alex Dowson selected a well-know piece o1 music, Feinando, by Abba. The soloists, IOUisa Young, Kale MCBryde and Alex Dyer should also be coinmended for their performances As Interhouse Athletics approached, House members look 10 the track with energy and vigour. Our athletic Lillians raced and aced their events, while those less athletically incline cheered, ran, skipped and walked through the day. We were ecsiaiic with winning the relays trophy and achieving an overall fourth placing for the day. Commendable performances included those by Soloh Esiwick 117 Years Age Championj, SOTO Hills and bya Leemeijer We concluded Term 3 with the Inter house Debating Challenge. Lilley's Debating Captains, Rochel Olive and Belh Abernethy, led their team in a very tough debate. 11 was an illustration of lust how verbally inclined Lillians actually are 11 has been an unforgeiiable Year in the eyes o1 Lilley House, especially for the Year I2 Seniors who will always consider themselves one of the "Ulley Legends". Each and every one of these girls should be coinmended for their five Years of service and support 10 the House. I would especia Iy like 10 thank my House ViceCapiain Dovina Wadiey, Sports Captain Andie Noon and Sports Vice-Captain Soloh Esiwick, for their enormous contributions this Year. On behalf of Lilley I would like to extend our gratitude towards our Head of House, Mrs Edwards. The continual support that Mrs Edwards offered made all o titley's success possible. Last, but not least, a huge "thank You" must be extended 10 every member o1 Lilley House - best of luck for the Year 2000! Kale Hodgkinson
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