1999 School Magazine


I999 has proven to be HITSchfeld's greatss Year Yet, lopping the Houses in spirit and skill. The Year began with welcoming the new Year 8 cubs into the Hirschleld 1011 Hirschfeld House filled the auditorium for ou House Party, with screaming, laughter, games, food and lots and lots of orange The highlight of the afternoon was the "Chubby Bunny" Competition which resulted in marshmallow mess and a few upset turnmies With our spirit still high from the House Party, Hirschfeld made a splash o1 the Interhouse Swimming Competition o1 Chandler. Although our seventh placing was not indicative of the talent we really have, brilliant performances by Fellcity Abram, Courtney Gumbley, Elizobeih MCIellan and lulle Whiting kept Hirschfeld's head above water. Our newly crowned Tigger, Margoi Charlton, donned the Tigger suit for Ihe first of many times, braving the heal of the Chandler pool and leading Hirschleld through war cry after war cry Also in Term I , Cantn Gohan's fantastic directing, along with the assistance of Iydia just, secured Hirschfeld a place in the showcase of the In Ierhouse Drama Competition. Our play was Two Weeks with the Queen by Morris Gleiizmann, which was brought 10 life by a labulous ensemble performance from a brilliant cast Calflin Goss and Zoe Briggs deserve special mention for outsiand'rig contributions

Our weekly House meeting in Term 2 adopted a new theme. The Hirschfeld mini Olympics became a huge success, with students organised into groups combining all ages, and competing against each other in team pictionory, ball games, a quiz and "vidioi". We finished Term 2 with a mini Olympics presentation and a well deserved breakfast of chocolate croissants and donishes Next on the agenda was the Inter house Cross Country where the Hirschfeld Tiggers really showed their stripes. With maximum participation and enthusiasm from each Year level, Hirschfeld took out the overall Cross Country cup for the first time ever. Outstanding performances on the day included those o1 Felicit/ Abram, Courtney Gumbley and ETin lambert who all gained places in their age groups. The new awards for Best Dressed House and Most Spirited House were also won by HITSchfeld, making us by far the most successful, spirited and stylish House of the day Amongst the Hurry of Year I2 formal photographs, Semester 2 events were well under way Iydia just and her assistantsjenny MacGillivray and Iulie Whiling coached and cajoled the voices, some melodic, some not so melodic, o1 the Hirschleld Choir. After only two weeks of rehearsals, Baz, lulle and Ien conducted a brilliant performance of Say a Liftle Prayer from My Best F1i^rids Wedding. With the solo talents of Hayley Webb, Tess Palmer, Ellie O'GOTman and Kale Prosser in conjunction with a large choir, Hirschfeld stunned the School and the adjudicabrs HITSchfeld stood out again, as orange lends to do, at the interhouse Athletics Carnival at GEll. The day was long and hot but "Tigger" kept the spirit up within the House as Hirschleld's new warery Tigger roared through GEll skidium. Overall we came a 'figgerilic' sixth place, and our champion medley relay team consisting of Courtney Gumbley, ETin lamberf, SOTOh Lind and An 110 Farmer won the Medley Relay Cup F10na Coulley, our debating captain, together with Eleanor O'Golman, Kalani Dias, Coillin Goss, Zoe Briggs, lanei Anderson, Elizabeih MCIellan and A1ison MCGill defended their I998 title o1 Champion Debaters, in the final Interhouse event of the Year After wonderful limes full o1 success, spirit and fun, the Year that was I 999 has drawn 10 a close. As the rest of the House continues 10 make Hirschfeld grrrreai, the Year I 25 are handing in their Tigger tails and leaving the House with many marvellous memories and a wardrobe full o1 ostentatious orange ouffits We have many people 10 thank for making our slay in Hirschfeld, particularly this Year, memorable. To jayde and I\11kki, Sports Captains extraordinaire, thank you for your organisation and dedication; to Baz, Iulie, Ienny, Cainin and Fiona, thank You for being so tolerant and talented. To Anna, our fundraiser and future sales queen, thank You for persisting with the hats. To Margoi, our wonder Tigger, thank You for Your enthusiasm, optimism and for lust being beautiful. Our love and best wishes 10 all o1 the House especially the Year 125 in whatever they do. To all of the Hirschfeld teachers, especially Mrs BOSford, thank You for keeping us in line. Finally 10 Mrs Stubbing10n, Ihank You for Your support and trust. Without Your help this Year we would never have made if. 11 is now lime 10 charge the Year I I s with the task of continuing the Hirschleld spirit info the new millennium Kale Prosser and Fiona Coulley

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