1999 School Magazine
Throughout I 999, the Grimh Redbacks have been in full force With many displays o1 irue Redback spirit and talent, Grillith has achieved much success this Year. Redbacks' style, enthusiasm and ability have ensured that Grilliih's presence has been fell at every inter house event House Group teacher Mrs Nosh. In true Grilliih style, this ceremonious day involved copious amounts of chocolate, red 10/11es, fun and enihusiasm. The Year 85 quickly became true Redbacks in mind and body, leaving with red ribbons, cheeks and tongues The first day of the Year saw the induction of our newest Redbacks, the Year 85 and their
The House Party was another showcase of GriHiih style. With red costumes and lipstick in abundance, the masses of Redbacks were keen 10 dive into the jelly game, donut game, chubby bunny and display their overwhelming talent in the War Cry Competition and the inaugural Miss Redback talent quest. This Year's Miss Redback crown was deserved Iy won by Year I2's Georgie Dent who stole Ihe show with her rendition of Cher's 113 in his Kiss Many Redbacks look 10 the singe again for the Inter house Drama festival. On the day, the whole cast really joined together and produced a great performance of our play Wasting Away. Grillith's Drama Capbins, Am anda Walkins and Zara Rahemiula, deserve congratulations for their dedication and commitment to Ihis stressful and time-consuming lob The swimming carnival was a great display of Grilliih's spirit. Clad in red bow-lies from the Muscular Dystrophy Association Ithanks 10 I\Iikki Martini, the Redbacks cheered on fellow Redbacks and participated enthusiastically. Special mention must be given 10 our talented swimmer IOUra Whish who came second in the Under I3 years age championship Sach Dovies and 1150 Ferrari, our Sports Captains, did an outstanding lob o1 ensuring that the day ran smoothly After an action packed Term I , Term 2 began with the inter house Cross Couniry While many revelled in the relaxed atmosphere, others ran with conviction and success The Year 12/01midable running duo o1 SOTOh Bibmsky and Sofah Splati ran exilemely well, being placed first and third respectively. Soloh 8110msky's run earned her legendary Redback status as she became School Cross Country Champion for the fourth Year in a row The enormous team elfori led Grilliih 10 be placed an excellent second overall Mrs Geraght/'s role in our success must be recognised as she urged us on by standing at the finish line with a bag of red 10/11es led by Lisa Ferrari and HeIen Kim, Grilliih's Mamas and Papas medley for the inter house Choir was very enjoyable and successful. House meetings had a new swing to them as everyone willingly sang along 10 Dream a title Dream of Me, COMomi'a Dreamin and My Girl. On the day, armed with red rose brooches, the choir performed brilliantly, earnin second place. Grilliih's awesome soloists Sophie Ferris, lessica Campbell and Anna Clemesho gove extra excellent performances The highlight of Grimth's Year was Athletics day where Grilliih skillully won the overall and individual cups. The day's success can be attributed 10 Grilliih's dominant talent and spirit Cheerleading was competently lead by Gatherine Arscoti and Francesca Wardell who wo Grillith's best cheerleader. Among the many successful Redback Athletes, some deserve special mention These include Courtney Hairis who came second in the Under 13 age championship, Cloudia Campbell who was also placed second in the Under I5 age championship; Soloh Splat! who was third in the Under I7 age championship; Sophie Wardell and Toll Godlrey who both broke records in their 400m B grade races, and A1yia Rahemiula who displayed true GriHiih spirit and courage in her hurdles event The success in Grilliih's Year, however, lies in our outsmnding House spirit. Throughout the Year, each House Group has organised a House meeting and/or House Breakfast The Year I 25 have formed a special bond with the Year 85 through the buddy system and a special Year I2 and 8 breakfast However, none o1 Grilliih's success could have been achieved without the support and enthusiasm of a wide group of Redbacks. These include the Head Redback, Ms O'Suilivan, the House Group Teachers, the Griflith seniors and of course every Grillith girl. I 999 has been a fanbsiic Year for Grilliih. On behalf of this Year's Grilliih seniors, I would like 10 wish every Redback, especially the Year I I s, all the best for next year
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