1999 School Magazine
The highlight of the House meetings has been the Engbnd ironwoman Competition which has been contested over the Year through various events. The activities were centred not on sporting prowess but rather food, with events such as 'earlhe-doughnuton-thesiring-with our usingyourshands', 'apple bobbing' and 'chubby bunnies' to game that involves shoving as many marshmallows into Your mouth as possiblej. These events are always enjoyed by all but it is unlikely the participants will go on 10 further their careers in this sport! The Interhouse Drama Competition provided the perfect arena for all Eagles to showcase their acting talent under the direction of Cocapiains Emma Benison and Gleer Robinson The Play, A Perfoci World, which was written by Emma and Gleer, dealt with the concept of plastic surgery and provided an interesting look o1 society today. As there was no lead role, but many small roles, members o1 the House from all age groups took the opportunity 10 be involved and the play was a huge success The infer house Cross Country competition was once again held in Victoria Park after school and England involvement was strong, with special mention going to Sophie Corneron who won the event in the Year I O race. This contest showed the fact that the Eagles were going 10 be a force to be reckoned with at the Athletics carnival The reintroduction of the Interhouse Choral Competition was met with much excitement and huge participation. The format of the competition was changed Ihis Year and with only three weeks for rehearsals, the Choral Capbins, Emma Kumeia and Lucinda Thornson, had a hard task in front of them. They accepted the challenge with both hands and England's performance o1 The Shoop Shoop Song by Chef was definitely a crowd pleaser The Infer house Athletics Carnival was the last major House competition for the Year and the Eagles once again proved they had the spirit to fly across the finish line. The cheering on Ihe day was loud and constant, with all Eagles rallying 10 inspire the athletes. The key to our success was dedicated involvement from all members of the House as well as outsbnding performances by SOTO Kendoll, Iulia Dowseti, Koih Barram and especially Frances Bain who led for overall School Athletics Champion A special thank You must go to Ms For51er who put many hours of effort into ensuring her flock flew together and continued to "Soar Above the Rest". The key to all of England's successes this Year has been the involvement, commitment and dedication shown by every member of the House, both students and stall. I want to thank each one of You for a fantastic Year and I wish You all the best o1 luck for the Years 10 come
This Year proved 10 be another one to remember as England House continued to fly high and perform exceptionally well in Interhouse competitions under the leadership o1 our Sports Captains, Koih Bonam and jackie Scales, and the House ViceCapiain, Am ando West. Whether it was swimming, running, lumping, acting, singing Or cheering, the England Eagles always flew in perfect formation The year started off on a high note with the England House Party. The afternoon was full of new activities such as limbo, and old favourites such as the warcry and Miss Eng and competitions. Greer Robinson in Year 12 entered the Miss England Pageant o1 very short notice and did a labulous rendition of Ybu Can leave four Blue On 10 take out the crown for I 999. The climax of the afternoon for many people was the food, and no one went undernourished with Ihe least o1 pizza, 10/11es, chips and enough cake to feed three Houses! Our first major event was the inter house Swimming which was held at Chandler Everyone 901 info the spirit and the mass of blue, cheering fans was impossible 10 miss Irom the pool deck. The enthusiastic pailicipaiion Ihai look place on the day, OS well as an outstanding performance from Soloh Holiam, secured England House third place overall which was a fantastic way to skill the Year
lessica Kelso House Captain
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