1999 School Magazine
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n my mind the only true summation of I 999 n the Inter house arena would involve pink pompoms, Iuchsia shirts, strawberry ITeddos and numerous spirited girls, unified under the brighi pink glow of Beanland House I999 has been another great Year for Beanlond, one in which we have seen fantastic achievements in a wide range of activities. Beanland has been able 10 exude a definite and continued roundness in all the activities in which we have participated. In my final Year it has been an absolute privilege 10 be a part o1 something that is so unified and with such a community feel
Throughout the year Beanland has excelled in its participation in many arenas The placement of Beanland's drama, a modern interpretation of The Wizard of Oz, in the final showcase, demonstrated our depth o1 ability and the high level of skill o110harn GIIe and Nina Malihews, our House Drama Captains. The inter house sporting season was kicked off by the swimming carnival in which Beanland was able to demonstrate its high level of spirit and extensive ability in and around the pool. The Cross Country compeliiio and Athletics carnival allowed the stars of Beanland House 10 shine brightly as we demonstrated Ihai our athletic ability was a force to be reckoned with. Malilda Gunn wo all o1 her events and shared the position of School Athletics Champion. The Choral competition allowed the House to show off its musical talents, OS we produced a concise version of Stand by Me in infer house Debating and Public Speaking, Beanland performed outstandingly well to produce our best ever results. Koiharine See won the junior MeIle Weaver Public Speaking Competition. The Captains o1 the various interhouse activities are 10 be congratulated for the terrific leadership that they all showed in helping the House 10 perform 10 the best of our ability. Special thanks must go 10 the Sports Captains, Alex Downs and Amber MCRae, for their outstanding organization of the House sporting events This Year has seen greater success in the entire House OS we have successfully developed, in my mind, a committed group with a sense o1 cohesion and friendliness, unique to Beanland. Although we have not achieved a winning place in every event, the spirit and participation levels have been phenomenal, reinforcing our depth of ability and hunger for success in a diverse range of events. Across the board, Beanland has been able 10 excel i all areas of Inter house activities, Ih gh our constant, immeasurable spirit and definite talen The swill progression o1 I 999 has left everlasting memories o1 the cohesive and united group of Beanland House and our constant commitment to a great community within Grammar. 11 has been an absolute privilege 10 have the chance to be a part o1 such a wonderful House, one that has o11 the uniqueness and carnaloderie of Beanbnd 11 has given me the chance 10 see the development of some very special people and the sense of belonging 10 something great
Louise Colley House Captain
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