1999 School Magazine




SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Fifth Row IL-Rj. Cloudio lockson, Allce luxion, Emily Cunning ham, Adeloide Edwards, Tegan Dovey, Koiherine Mereer, lone Wadiey, Calherine Alexonder. IOUra Balley, Alexondra Gillies, Rebecco Benne" Fourth Row ILRi Colette 81ehon, Stephonie Sheu, Genevieve Thornson, Courtsnay Und. Danielle Medek, Lisette Pregel Lucinda Thornson, IOCqueline Manile, Soro Hills, Koihoiine See. HeIen Kim, Calherine MCClymoni, Bionwyn Murray Third Row ILRj Edwino George, Couriney Ricke"s, Iucy MCKenzie, Vanes so Young, Ienny Khofogi, tarissa Beame, Calherine Bradbeor, Kylie Rivers, Soroh O'RelllyHorbidge. Sonh Splott. Alexondro Sandierd, CIOire Olive, Gwendolen Wornick Second Row 11-Ri, Iennita MacGlllvroy. Thany Sproles, Geolgina Mothews, Am ando Rowell, Lauren Hartley, 010na Grillin. Rosie Downing. lessico Fenwick, Iulie Whiling, Kale MCCrossin, Soloh Hack, Elizabeih McCulloch, Calherine Spratley, liso F1inl, Modeloine Young Front Row 11-Ri: L Fay Orig, loanne Ung, Calhe, ine Anderson, Mirondo Carson iconceri Mastsri, lanei Smith, Mr M SUIlivan IDireciorl, Ienniler Cheung, 101hika Viihonage, Koiherine 51eele, Nodie Schimpf, Angelo Sheu Abseni ToyoGoe teemeijer, Angelo O'ConnoL Koihanne Camelon, CIOi, e Humphreys, Priyo Purl




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