1999 School Magazine
Sunken junk
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Dad Fish
Thai one's a beauty, kids, where did You find ite lust over by the flatheads' reed Yeah, it's cool isn't ite HOOK!
BOY Fish Girl Fish Mum Fish
IEveryone on stage ducks as a hook swings across the skige and back When the coast is clear everyone stands up. Children fish start playing trust game with the coke bottle. Coke bottle looks worried. I Well, I'm off to the Reef Bar Waif a minnow, darling. Iquietlyj Do You think the children are okay? Yeah, they're fine - what do You mean? I mean are all these new 'gifts' from above ... You know ... safe? Of course it's safe. We all need 10 look 10 the future, darling, and put our trust in technology. 11 we hadn'I done that in the post, we'd still be back in just chill honey, go with the flow Ikisses heri I'll be back before high tide Well, You'll have to fix Your own plankton tonight. I'm off 10 the salon 10 get my fins tinted HOOK! IAIl duck and lights dimj the dry ages I don't know
Dad Fish Mum Fish Dad Fish Mum Fish Dad Fish
Georgino Plant 12 Giftih PAINTING ELECTIVE
Mum Fish Dad Fish Mum Fish
Dad Fish
IAI the beauty salon, sbge left. Two choirs sei up, a customer in one of the chairs. Mum Fish is ushered in by a fish beauticianj Now lust hold still, Mrs Mullet. I'm giving You the all over colour Beautician conditioning and shine treatment ipuis a giantsized ice cream container on Mrs Mullet's headj What's this? ... Oh, no, not You 100. The whole town has gone crazy over these strange objects. Do we even know where they came from? Gifts from above, I suspect Mum Fish
Customer Mum Fish Customer Beautician
What ... from those barbaric fish eaters? I was actually referring 10 Cod the Father
Listen Mrs Mullet, I've had some of the best lasting tints for tides and tides with this little baby. And if You don't like my methods there is a roe of others waiting 10 take Your place. just ask Mrs Bream telerring 10 customerI ishockedi Well .. I ... I would never dream o1 going anywhere else IPOusei lit; really that good? 110 customerI Best one I ever had I suppose it can't be that harmful ... All right, 1'11 lake the plunge I'm telling You, Mrs Mullet, You won't look back. Once you try this You'll be hooked HOOK! IEveryone ducks as hook swings across stage. Lights dim. I
Mum Fish
Customer Mum Fish Beautician
Toriino Elizo Adorn 121illey PHOTOGRAPHY
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