1998 School Magazine
6irlS Grammar ^Ichool ;!artsbane 1998
Kenie Sha,w
I Grammar! Well it's been ten months since I left The Grade Twelves also had a graduation ceremon , at which Australia, and there's only one more until I come back the students wore graduation gowns in the school colours and from my student eXchange in Canada. This year sure has flown were handed their diplomas. I can now sa that I have by quickly, and I have had so many memorable experiences that graduated from High School twice! I don't know where to start. My eXchange organisation, EF, has I remember being at the Brisbane also organised a number of trips during airport at 6a. in. on a Sunday morning, which I have been able to see much wearing shorts and a t-shirt and having more of Canada. I've travelled to To- to say goodbye to all my family and Tonto, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Ottawa friends. I was surprised to see so many and Quebec City, and also to Los inge- of them there at that hour! The hardest Ies for an orientation camp with other was to hug my parents for the last time eXchange students, There I made many I was so upset one of the other ex- new friends from both Australia and change students that I didn't even know overseas. I have kept in contact during had to keep hugging me and telling me the year and have also visited them all kinds of jokes to try to cheer me up One thing that I have discovered At the same time though, I was excited since living here is just how many about my year ahead myths there are about Australia. Can a- I was placed with a family in Hall- dians trul believe that we have kan a fax, Nova Scotia, which is on the east toos in our backyards and that we coast of Canada. The city is quite big constantly sa "G'da mate!". I don't with a population of 90 000 people, but know how many times I have been nowhere near as big as Brisbane. The asked if everythin on the SIin sons weather is a great deal colder than e ISOde about us was true, or if w "down under" too, and whenlstepped have Chistrnas in June! M accent was off the plane in my shorts and T-shirt it Kente or) e be"I, ,end scrub M t tb p a real novelty for them too, as they was -30 degrees and snowing! My host always asked me to sa littte sentences father had to drive the car right up to the airport door so that so that they could hear them and t to co them. I could jump in without getting too cold. The way of life here is very much like what I had seen on
all those amencan TV sitcoms before I came here. Unfortu- nately, I didn't get to attend Degrassi High but was placed at a school called Darttnouth High, which seems pretty much the same. The schoolhasloiig halls of talllockers, students walking around in cheerleading outfits and football jackets, and no uniforms! it is a very different atmosphere from Brisbane Girls Grammar! What was really surprising was that I went from being an average student to top of the class here, as the schoolwork is of a much easier level. My school hours are almost the same as back home - 8.30 am. until3.30 pm. , but there are only four classes a day, each for 80 minutes and there is only one lunch break which goes from 11.20 am. until12.20 pm. . No morning tea for Canadians! I have been involved in a number of sports, from cheerleading to girls rugby, which has been a lot of fun. another aspect of Canadian life is television - which offers about 50 channels! They even manage to air some Australian shows. I've watched Water Rats here and a couple of episodes of Heartbreak High, which I guess have kept me from getting too homesick The time that I have enjoyed the most this year was "grad week" at my school which was at the end of June. There were all kinds of activities going on, such as the "prom" which was much different from my formal, as it was held in the school gym!
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Kente at Peggyts Core Now my year is almost over and soon I will be heading back to Australia and warm weather! I would like to thank EF Foundation for the opportunity to spend a year abroad in Canada, which I now consider my second home. The people are friendly and always willing to help, and I will miss them a great deal next year. This year has truly been the best of my life, one I certainly will never forget!
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