1998 School Magazine
11st Elserammar ^Iconol ;!aristane 1998
Utilising the expertise of the staff involved and the diverse locations at Imbil, another group became scriptwriters. After learning the skills of script writing and story boarding during their Drama classes, the girls developed a script based on John Marsden's novel, Tomorrow When the World Began. This text which had been studied in English class was then brought to life utilising the bush settings at Tmbil The emphasis on individual choice, co-operative projects and a stimulating variety of learntig situations and experiences have provided the opportunities for the School to assert its coriumitment to a student-focussed curriculum
Soil testing
he Centre took a new direction during 1998 with the introduction of a two-week experience for students in Year Nine. While the focus for the Centre continues to be directed toward providing students with life-skins in combina- lion with Outdoor pursuits, the program has been re-directed to include a learntng experience which seeks to extend school- based experiences in an environment which is less affected by the constraints of time This process has required quite some effort and input from both school and Centre staff and as the program develops the benefits to students win hopefully become more evident in both their school and home life Staffing changed during 1998 with the appointment of a new teacher of Outdoor Education, Mr andy Chapman. He and his family have settled into the local area with his two eldest children attending the local Imbil State School. Mr Chapman brings to the Centre a variety of skills and experience gained from working in a variety of Centres and Outdoor programs. He was most recently employed at a Centre which conducts exrended programs of four weeks for Year Ten students The latter part of 1998 also saw the arrival of a new GAP student to the Centre, Miss Einina Bryce. We welcome Miss Bryce to the Centre and trust that her stay in Australia during 1999 will be both challenging and rewarding A major focus of the Centre during 1998 has been the development and redevelopment of its facilities. A second amenities block, improved staff and student accotrunodation, as well as additional student accommodation means that the facility can now acconnnodate two groups at a time. This will allow greater nextbitity in the programming and may also increase the versatility of the Centre for use by larger groups within the school
Additional classroom and office space has also been pro- vided to help create a multi-use campus, which is equipped to provide for a greater variety of learning styles and to resource the Gregory Terrace campus more effectiveIy. Thanks must be extended to Mrs Hancock and the Board of Trustees for their continued support and desire to see the Imbil campus develop as a multi-purpose resource The Fathers' Group has also been active in its support of the Centre. in all, five working-bees were conducted during 1998, with a major focus being the upgrade of the Ropes course. Other activities have including painting, building drying racks for the macadamias as well as numerous activities about the property which have helped to maintain it in a safe and presentable fashion. Thank you to all the Dads who have given of their valuable time throughout 1998. We look forward to your continued support in years to come With the normnent arrival of a fifth member of the Lanham family, holiday programs have been on hold this year. Similarly, the Reef trip was not offered in 1998 because of the full agenda with Year Eight, Nine and Ten camps. With increased accom- inodation allowing for two groups to be accoinmodated at the Centre at one time, greater flexibitity should be achieved in prograinming next year to allow for a reintroduction of holiday programs such as horseriding, canoeing, rockclimbing etc Asincere thankyou to allschoolstaffwho have very capably assisted with the staffing of camps, often during very busy periods within the school. Thank you for your support TIM LANHAM
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