1998 School Magazine

Girls 6rammar ^51th o01 ;!artsbatie 1998



Design^ and Technology

The type of projects have varied from small , ' learning projects to picture frames, cabinets, tissue boxes, compact disk storage, shelves, children's toys, tables and many more. Another great benefit of the Technology subject is the Cross

his year has seen Brisbane Girls Grammar School take a further step towards substantiating the

statement of 'Girls can do anything'. Design and Technology was introduced to the Year Ten students within the Extension The inclusion of the subject into the junior curriculum was to enhance the girls' spatial aware- ness in three-dimen- SIonal conception as further well as giving practical expertise in the many specialty areas of technology. Design and Technology is a subject that encourages students to develop their problem-solving tech- niques, practical skills and ability to evaluate ideas and projects. Apart from the many curriculum advan- it is a lot of fun tages, The practical Design and Technol- ogy class is complimented with a coin- puting subject in which the students design projects in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional environments. The introduction of Computer Aided Design(CAD) Activities program rationale behind the

Curricular Integration with other subjects There were many occasions where students from Art needed guidance and the Tech- nology workshop faculties to complete major projects

More recently, Mathematics students participating in the Tournament of Minds Competition (Maths/Engi- neering Section) were involved in the design and construction of an Educational Game. The project had many design constraints

which needed to be consid- ered in order to comply with the competition rules Some of the restrictions

included the actual size, volume, price, who could construct it, and that the materials were of a recycled nature. The group of students spent many long hours after school on the project and the

result was impressive The students demonstrated an enormous appreciation for the Design and Teclmology Subjects by requesting the

Is not a new concept to the students, but the re- of cent acquisition MiniCAD (CAD soft- ware) allows so much more scope and flexibil- ity to design. The pro- gram is designed so that the students experience CAD concepts while learning what the soft- ware is capable of and then design their own I project to make later on in the Technology class The computing class is also intended to upgrade students' computing knowledge base to at least the minimum stand- atd necessary for senior schooling

workshop be opened during lunch and after school. They were ea- ger to complete their projects and proud to see them come to frui- tion. On behalf of my- self and Mr Davissen, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate the sal- dents for their enthusi- asm and high achieve- merits. it makes the sub- ject so much fun to teach


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