1998 School Magazine

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year Nine Mining Talk

pass the resolution but aU delegates recog- fused the need for nations to act CO-OPera- tively and peacefully to resolve interna- tional problems.

participated in a simulation activity which hightighted the complexities as- socialed with development. in contrast, Senior Modern History students from Girls Grammar and StJoseph's, Gregory Terrace were involved in the 'Battle of the Sexes'. Topics discussed included changing gender roles and expecta- tions, employment and discririimation and whether or not the pendulum had swung too far in favour of women Likewise, the respective Economic Societies from BGS and BGGS met to eXchange perspectives on the influence of the media on society. Throughout the week Year Nine Geography students heard from a speaker from Queensland Mining

Keeping with the international focus, the Year Eights were involved in a World City Fair which featured some of the fifteen largest cities in the world, including Tokyo, New York, Mexico City and Born- bay



Council who focused on the issues associated with the siting of a mine, while Year Nine History engaged in a Quiz Show - 'The Battle of the Nines'. This Quiz Show hosted by Mrs Basford

covered the topics of the Renais- Reforma- sance tion and the Age of 'Discovery' Colonisation. Stu- dents from 9A emerged as the outright victors



'B@!tle of the Sexes"

Battle of the Sexes'


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